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我们这里最近又有一个贪官垮台了,此前他家中供神,办公室的里间供神,电香火日夜像鬼火一样烧着,到哪儿都算命打卦,身边还豢养个《易经》大师兼风水大师,每逢出门必定得摇一卦,自己的名字改来改去。我和他很熟,屡次告诉他千万别信鬼神、天命,凡信者都是愚昧和软弱。但是他坚定地认为:一切都是天命,人没有任何力量。这次他倒了,我到看守所去看他,我说:你那么虔诚地求神拜神,为什么神不能保佑你?他喟然长叹:万般皆是命,半点不由人哪,这回我更信神了,去年有个大师给我算命卜卦,说我今年有灾,我没有在意,原因在我呀!看来他是至死不悟了。其实,他… 相似文献
看了由《中国科学院》主办, 《中国工程院》、《国家自然科学基金委员会》共办的《科学时报》在今年8月8日发表的“科普新见”栏目中田松所写的文章——《科学的迷信与迷信的科学》 (下称 相似文献
封建迷信是指带有封建社会印迹,以对超自然力量的盲目信仰与崇拜为基本特征的社会心理意识和行为活动方式。封建迷信大体可分为三个层次,即迷信观念、迷信行为和迷信活动。迷信观念是个体对于鬼神、命运、因果报应等的经验性理解和盲 相似文献
小时年年腊月二十三用麦芽糖给灶王爷上供,奶奶祷告曰:“上天言好事、下界保平安”,用糖瓜把灶王爷嘴粘上,让他说不了坏话,但是我很小即知道,把嘴粘上,不是连好话也不能说了吗?用个糖瓜就把嘴粘上的神,还能有什么灵性和效力吗?可中国人一信就一千年!算命者有推流年一说,从1岁推到60岁,当他煞有介事地推算时,就相信有个神把全世界60亿人每个人的生活都纳入电脑程序中,于是人就成了神的符号,所以算命者即是信神者,能王林/图有这样的神吗?当丛福奎、徐炳松、李真贪污大量人民血汗钱时,他们自己也知道在干着坏事,为了使坏事不暴露,他们向神祷告,… 相似文献
1992年有学者说:“气功作为我国独特的民族文化遗产,至少已有五千年左右的历史“.又有学者说:“气功疗法是中医学的宝贵遗产之一“.五十年代中叶和七十年代末我国出现过两次群众性的气功热潮,这两次,特别是在后一次持续20余年的全民气功热潮中,全国各地先后出现了成千上万例练气功所致的精神病病人,媒体先是零星地后来则集中地披露了一批因练某个功法而自伤、自钱、自杀和伤人、杀人,以及延误治疗致死的案例,未被披露的类似事件及住进精神病医院和综合医院的这类患者有多少,我们尚不得而知.…… 相似文献
民主集中制是推进政治文明建设的有效途径 ,这是历史的经验 ,也是维护党的执政合法性基础、实现人民根本利益的现实选择。 相似文献
Providing a Rationale in an Autonomy-Supportive Way as a Strategy to Motivate Others During an Uninteresting Activity 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Reeve Johnmarshall Jang Hyungshim Hardre Pat Omura Mafumi 《Motivation and emotion》2002,26(3):183-207
When motivating others during uninteresting activities, people typically use extrinsic contingencies that promote controlling forms of extrinsic motivation. In contrast, we investigated a motivational strategy that could support another person's capacity to personally endorse and value the effort he or she put forth during the uninteresting activity. That strategy is the provision of an externally provided rationale when communicated in an autonomy-supportive way. In two studies, we tested and found support for a motivational mediation model, based on self-determination theory, in which the presence of such a rationale (vs. its absence) adds to participants' identification with the task's personal value which, in turn, explains participants' subsequent effort. These studies suggest that extrinsically motivated behaviors can become self-determined through the process of identification and that the promotion of this identification experience depends on the presence of a rationale that is communicated in an autonomy-supportive way. 相似文献
Kevin Vallier 《Journal of applied philosophy》2019,36(5):695-701
Cécile Laborde's important book, Liberalism's Religion, attempts to develop an ethic governing political officials that requires that they only use, and be responsive to, accessible reasons. Laborde's accessibility requirement articulates her unique approach to the role of religion in liberal politics. This article challenges Laborde's accessibility ethic on three grounds: (1) the ethic suffers from a lack of idealisation, (2) there is little reason to prevent inaccessible reasons from defeating coercion, and her ecumenical approach to exemptions recognises this in effect, and (3), the question of whether the accessibility ethic is true is partly empirical, but Laborde does not supply us with an adequate empirical argument. 相似文献
Recent work suggests a strong connection between intuitions regarding our own free will and our moral behavior. We investigate the origins of this link by asking whether preschool-aged children construe their own moral actions as freely chosen. We gave children the option to make three moral/social choices (avoiding harm to another, following a rule, and following peer behavior) and then asked them to retrospect as to whether they were free to have done otherwise. When given the choice to act (either morally or immorally), children avoided harm and abided by rules, but they endorsed their freedom to have done otherwise. When choice was restricted by adult instruction, children did not endorse their free choice and indicated feeling constrained by moral obligation in their explanatory responses. These results suggest that children believe that their moral actions afford free will, but this belief is dependent on their experience of choice. 相似文献
"三官大帝"是道教中的重要神灵,本文通过对其职司和封号进行分析,剖解其宗教象征意义。在辨析"三官大帝"所包含的宗教象征意义的过程中,以微观考察的方式理解宏观意义上的道教历史,从而揭示道教发展过程中普遍的宗教现象与特殊的宗教现象。 相似文献