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文化和性别在积极情绪和消极情绪中的作用   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
国外关于文化和性别在积极情绪和消极情绪中的作用的新近研究认为,文化和性别及其相互作用会产生基本不同的积极情绪和消极情绪的连接模式.在个体文化的社会(如美国),人们倾向于以对立的方式(如两极方式)来体验和表达情绪;在集体文化的社会(如中国),人们倾向于以辨证的方式来体验和表达情绪.而且,女性在这种倾向性的表现上明显高于男性.最后,作者论述了该领域若干有待深入研究的问题.  相似文献   

Tokenism is a situation in which a member of a distinctive category is treated differently from other people. This article is about the situation in which Tokens (people perceived as distinctive) are considered experts on something for having the properties of a token (the thing which makes them distinctive). Tokens who differ by appearance or by being born into another culture might be considered experts on cultures grouped into the same racial/cultural category. Tokens who differ by being skilled in number-related mathematics might be considered experts on the mathematization of phenomena. Tokens might say that some result is valid for all people in some racial/cultural category without sufficient evidence, or use number-related mathematics as a mathematization of psychological phenomena without trying to find more abstract mathematizations. This harms psychological research. A possible future genesis of cultural and number tokenisms is discussed, and some suggestions to improve the discourse offered. The effect of tokenism might be diminished if psychologists focus on more proper thinking about psychological phenomena.  相似文献   

Are people always motivated to strive for cognitive consistency? Does culture influence a person’s motivation to maintain cognitive consistency between attitudes and actions or between preferences and choices? When and how do people in different cultures experience cognitive dissonance, engage in justification of their behavior, and use self‐affirmation? When and how are people with different models of agency motivated to maintain a preference‐choice consistency? In this paper, culturally variable self‐schemata and models of agency, independent self and agency dominant in North American culture and interdependent self and agency prevalent in Asian culture, are considered as the source of cultural variations in cognitive consistency. These culturally divergent self‐systems create variance in situations in which North Americans and Asians are motivated to maintain cognitive consistency. In this paper, related cross‐cultural research is reviewed. Some future research agenda are also discussed.  相似文献   

The growth of religious psychology with specific reference to the Malay people as the majority culture is discussed. This article describes attitudes of the Malays toward religion, and reviews related programs and developments in Malaysian universities and institutes. It covers contents of major seminars and conferences held in recent years; the application of religious psychology in the general Malay population and an analysis of some problems and prospects relevant to the general psychology of religion area. The article concludes that, although psychology of religion does not exist here in the Western sense, immense opportunities exist for psychological research on religion. Suggestions for improving the psychology-religion interface are given.  相似文献   

The psychology of globalization   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  

李军 《管子学刊》2007,1(2):66-70
近代以来的中国,关于保守与进步的争论一直不断,传统观点认为,社会上有两种人,一种是鼓吹改革与革命的人,另一种是反对社会变革的人士。但长期以来被中国思想史和哲学史的研究者所忽略的一个现象是,在所谓的文化保守主义者之中,存在着一个很重要的区别。就是虽然在表面上他们都对传统文化持保守主义的态度,但是他们其中一些人认为传统文化是存在于世界民族文化之中的一种具有普遍性、世界性的价值,是其他民族文化所永远不能替代的。而另一些人则只是将传统文化看做是一个民族在其现代化的道路上摆脱不掉的包袱。由于这两种对待传统文化态度的不同,我们可以将中国现代思想史上的保守主义思潮和人物,大致分为这两个不同的阵营。  相似文献   

Social comparison theory maintains that people think about themselves compared with similar others. Those in one culture, then, compare themselves with different others and standards than do those in another culture, thus potentially confounding cross-cultural comparisons. A pilot study and Study 1 demonstrated the problematic nature of this reference-group effect: Whereas cultural experts agreed that East Asians are more collectivistic than North Americans, cross-cultural comparisons of trait and attitude measures failed to reveal such a pattern. Study 2 found that manipulating reference groups enhanced the expected cultural differences, and Study 3 revealed that people from different cultural backgrounds within the same country exhibited larger differences than did people from different countries. Cross-cultural comparisons using subjective Likert scales are compromised because of different reference groups. Possible solutions are discussed.  相似文献   

病理性使用互联网的界定与测量   总被引:61,自引:0,他引:61  
病理性使用互联网(Pathological Internet Use,PIU)是人在互联网使用过程中出现的一种新型心理疾病。很多研究者认为互联网使用过度或不当是病理性使用互联网的主要原因。该文对病理性使用互联网已有研究的概念的界定与测量问题进行了分析与整合,讨论了在中国社会文化背景下如何界定与测量病理性使用互联网。  相似文献   

This paper began by suggesting that culture might influence how people construe workplace bullying. Referring back to the studies of cultural differences in cognition, it was suggested that people of the Far East might construe workplace bullying differently from the people of Western countries. Taking South Korean culture as an example, this paper explained how historical background and culture shaped Korean's psyche in relation to workplace bullying. Currently available evidence was discussed including the way Koreans construed workplace bullying and how close social bonding might act as a buffer against a conflict escalating into bullying.  相似文献   

Workforce population trends have increased the numbers and kinds of culturally diverse people who work together. Researchers in organizational behavior have often examined culture through values; however, cultural values can be based on collections of people other than traditional nation states. A cultural mosaic is presented as a framework to identify demographic, geographic, and associative features underlying culture. An individual's unique collage of multiple cultural identities yields a complex picture of the cultural influences on that person. Developments in chaos and complexity theories are proposed as a theoretical base for study on the complexity of culture at the individual level. Additional developments in network theory serve as a theoretical base for cultural research at the group level. The cultural mosaic is described as a complex system with localized structures, linking cultural tiles in ordered and chaotic ways. Research propositions examining multiple cultural identities at individual and group levels are discussed.  相似文献   

齐鲁饮食文化深受儒学思想的影响,形成了一定文化形态的饮食观念,影响人们的日常生活,并在一定的时间和空间范围内起着促进或制约社会发展的作用。齐鲁饮食习俗中“上顺天道、适时进食”的自然生态观,“长幼有序、进食有礼”的礼俗观,“敬天爱人”和谐观,“孝敬父母、以和为贵”伦理观,“以大惟美”待客观,是齐鲁饮食文化形态的主要特征,是儒学思想实现社会统治方略和社会管理的具体体现。新的历史时期,齐鲁饮食文化不断与时俱进,加强自身发展与对外交流,去粗存精引领社会饮食文化健康和谐发展。  相似文献   

目前,学界探索中国人的应对大致有两种方式:客位研究与主位研究。客位研究分析中国文化在以下几个方面对国人应对行为和心理的影响,分别是应对的文化环境和自我特质、压力来源、应对方式、应对结果。研究结果得出有关应对的客观知识,揭示中国人的应对实践。但是由于客位研究注重理论的普适性,所以其研究成果与中国人应对实质并不十分契合。主位研究从传统文化中的儒家、道家、佛家哲学思想提取应对观,其成果更深入的分析了国人应对的实质。但是,主位研究下的应对观过于注重直观体验,并且当今中国人行为心理模式也发生了变化,这些因素势必导致主位研究的缺陷。两种研究方式各有利弊,未来的研究应把两种方式结合起来,取长补短。  相似文献   

People often diverge from members of other social groups: They select cultural tastes (e.g., possessions, attitudes, or behaviors) that distinguish them from outsiders and abandon tastes when outsiders adopt them. But while divergence is pervasive, most research on the propagation of culture is based on conformity. Consequently, it is less useful in explaining why people might abandon tastes when others adopt them. The 7 studies described in this article showed that people diverge to avoid signaling undesired identities. A field study, for example, found that undergraduates stopped wearing a particular wristband when members of the "geeky" academically focused dormitory next door started wearing them. Consistent with an identity-signaling perspective, the studies further showed that people often diverge from dissimilar outgroups to avoid the costs of misidentification. Implications for social influence, identity signaling, and the popularity and diffusion of culture are discussed.  相似文献   

本文挑选了儒释道三教与民俗的关联这一视角去观察中国文化。从这一视角虽看到中国文化的若干侧面,但却是与中国一般人的社会生活和精神生活关联最为密切的侧面。中国人的一生,一年四季都在与这些侧面发生着联系,使得一些基本的素质稳固下来,变为人的行为习惯,也往往由此养成一些思维定势,一代一代相传,又完成着传统文化的基本内容的传递。那么,从这一视角观察问题,中国人国民性的养成,中国文化传统的绵绵不绝,也都可以由之提供线索。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT— Why do well-known ideas, practices, and people maintain their cultural prominence in the presence of equally good or better alternatives? This article suggests that a social-psychological process whereby people seek to establish common ground with their conversation partners causes familiar elements of culture to increase in prominence, independently of performance or quality. Two studies tested this hypothesis in the context of professional baseball, showing that common ground predicted the cultural prominence of baseball players better than their performance, even though clear performance metrics are available in this domain. Regardless of performance, familiar players, who represented common ground, were discussed more often than lesser-known players, both in a dyadic experiment (Study 1) and in natural discussions on the Internet (Study 2). Moreover, these conversations mediated the positive link between familiarity and a more institutionalized measure of prominence: All-Star votes (Study 2). Implications for research on the psychological foundations of culture are discussed.  相似文献   

Although deafness is traditionally conceptualized as a medical problem or disability, about 500 000 deaf people in the United States identify as members of an ethno‐linguistic minority that takes pride in being Deaf. This study examined 416 Internet weblog posts authored by nine Deaf bloggers to describe aspects of Deaf culture and individual and community level empowerment strategies expressed in weblogs. Results highlight aspects of American Deaf culture, such as the value placed on American Sign Language and equal treatment of D/deaf and hearing people. Findings also provide evidence of expressions of Deaf culture such as the use of humour and supporting the community that have been less emphasized in previous literature. Community level empowerment strategies evident in posts included disseminating information, rallying the involvement of members and advocating for social justice. Overlap between expressions of Deaf culture and empowerment strategies were also found. Present results inform a growing literature on empowerment strategies that occur without intervention by professionals. Implications of the study for community research and action are discussed. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

As a social identity, religion is unique because it contains a spectrum of choice. In some religious communities, individuals are considered members by virtue of having parents of that background, and religion, culture, and ethnicity are closely intertwined. Other faith communities actively invite people of other backgrounds to join, expecting individuals to choose the religion that best fits their personal beliefs. These various methods of identification influence beliefs about the essentialist nature of religious identity. Essentialism is when social groups are considered to have deep, immutable, and inherent defining properties. In this study, college students (N=55) provided ratings of essentialism for eight religious identities: Atheist, Buddhist, Catholic, Hindu, Jewish, Muslim, Protestant, and Spiritual-but-not-religious. Significant differences in essentialism were found between the target groups. Results and implications for intergroup relations are discussed.  相似文献   

Transgender people face many challenges in a society that is unforgiving of any system of gender that is not binary. However, there are three primary sources of data in the United States for discerning the rates and types of violence that transgender people face throughout their lives — self-report surveys and needs assessments, hot-line call and social service records, and police reports. Data from each of these sources are discussed in length, as well as some of the methodological issues for these types of data sources. All three sources indicate that violence against transgender people starts early in life, that transgender people are at risk for multiple types and incidences of violence, and that this threat lasts throughout their lives. In addition, transgender people seem to have particularly high risk for sexual violence. Future research considerations, such as improving data collection efforts, are discussed.  相似文献   

Our cultural disagreements can often be anticipated, negotiated and resolved using shared methods of moral reasoning. This claim is incompatible with any extreme version of communitarianism or strong ethical relativism, which hold that one's culture is the final arbiter of good, bad, right and wrong, or that the rights of the community should trump individual rights within that community. This view is discussed and found to be implausible using the example of common grounds for responding to different cultural views about being truthful in medical practice. Its implausibility stems from difficulties individuating cultures, and accounting for intercultural goals, values and methods. Given our increasingly diverse populations, problems arise as clinicians from one culture try to care respectfully and compassionately for people from other groups. Yet working from shared values and goals, we can use some bridging methods such as discussing grim news in the third person. Claims that something is a cultural belief or attitude, moreover, cannot always be taken at face value. Various meanings of ‘multiculturalism’ are distinguished.  相似文献   

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