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肖前国  张凤华  苟娜 《心理科学》2012,35(3):588-594
本研究设计了三个实验,探讨了被试在经典的十文钱问题以及与其异质同构的组团旅游问题中的推理情况。实验1通过调查法发现,被试在十文钱异质同构问题中表现出了与十文钱问题同样高的错误率,属于推理错觉问题。在此基础上,实验二、三就其推理错误的可能原因进行了实证探究,结果发现:(1)题目表面特征的弱化能显著提高被试的推理成绩。(2)批判性思维意识与批判性思维技巧的线索提示能显著提高被试的推理成绩。  相似文献   

摘 要 本文以三种表情面孔为材料,运用事件相关电位(ERP)方法探讨表情线索在注意朝向中与注视转移发生的交互及两者如何共同影响观察者的反应。结果发现:(1)线索效应在三种表情面孔的两种SOA中都出现了;(2)SOA较长时,注视线索效应量间的显著差异出现在中性和恐惧面孔、高兴和恐惧面孔间;(3)面部表情的效应出现在了表情线索诱发的P1成分上;(4)目标诱发的P1和N1说明了注视线索效应的存在及与表情间的交互。结论:表情线索先对观察者的朝向反应产生影响,随后是注视线索及其与表情线索发生的交互。  相似文献   

情景线索效应是指个体在视觉搜索过程中通过学习重复不变的情景信息提高搜索效率的现象。本文从情景线索效应相关行为特征、眼动特征及大脑神经活动等三个方面探讨了情景线索效应与选择性注意机制的交互作用,发现现有研究中存在着许多互相冲突的现象,增加了理解注意机制的难度。未来研究应结合认知神经科学技术寻找更多的实证数据,探索注意机制对情景线索效应的影响,以进一步完善情景线索效应中的注意机制理论。  相似文献   

谜语问题解决中线索的作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
汉语谜语在性质上属于顿悟问题,当谜语的谜底为汉语成语时,这样的谜语问题称为成语谜语问题。本研究探讨线索在成语谜语问题解决中的作用特点与方式。三个实验以汉语成语谜语问题为实验材料,采用了语义线索与规则线索,操纵了线索的有效性(有效线索占75%,无效线索占25%),以及线索呈现的时间长短(长时间即阈限上呈现线索(实验1),短时间(20ms)即阈限下呈现线索(实验2与实验3))两个因素。实验1与实验2的任务是要求被试写出成语谜语问题的答案(谜底),实验3则要求被试从6个备择答案中选择出正确的答案。被试为武汉某大学的206名低年级本科生。实验结果表明,(1)无论是阈限上还是阈限下呈现规则线索,有效规则线索对成语谜语问题的解决具有促进作用;(2)有效语义线索对谜语问题的解决具有促进作用,而且,阈限上有效语义线索对谜语问题解决的促进作用更大;(3)阈限上呈现两类无效线索时,它们对成语谜语问题的解决都具有干扰作用;但是,阈限下呈现两类无效线索时,它们对成语谜语问题的解决没有干扰作用。  相似文献   

科学思维方法在临床诊断中的应用   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
临床诊断过程是一个认识过程,在这个诊断过程中离不开科学的思维方法,最常用的临床思维方法是分析、综合、类比等。正确、全面的诊断一般要经过三个阶段:首先是认知即搜集临床资料、调查研究;其次是判断即用临床特有的多种思维方式对认知的一系列征象进行分析、综合,提出初步诊断;最后进行临床验证,确定诊断。这三个阶段既有联系,又有区别,构成了一个完整的诊断思维过程。认知阶段是临床诊断过程的关键性阶段,临床资料是否全面、客观将直接影响诊断的正确性,“只有感觉的材料十分丰富和合乎实际,才能根据这样的材料产生出正确的…  相似文献   

采用多特征目标判断任务,考察了不同信息获取方式与信息呈现方式条件下,直觉和分析思维模式对判断质量的影响。结果发现:(1)在多特征目标判断任务中,直觉思维比分析思维更有效;(2)直觉型决策者运用直觉思维的判断质量比感觉型决策者更高;(3)归类组块的信息呈现方式能够有效提升决策者运用直觉思维的判断质量;(4)思维模式、信息获取方式与信息呈现方式对多特征目标的判断质量存在三阶交互作用,归类组块的信息呈现方式使直觉型决策者运用直觉思维的判断质量最高,而运用分析思维的判断质量低于感觉型决策者;归类组块排列信息时,直觉型决策者运用分析思维的判断质量低于信息随机排列时的水平。  相似文献   

否定之否定规律在临床中的应用海南省工人疗养院(海口570005)何爱萍,王祖朝在临床工作中,特别是在疾病的诊断过程中,否定之否定规律显得非常重要。一般来说医生对复杂疾病的诊断思维过程可分为三个阶段,即最初印象、初步诊断和最后确诊。最初印象是在接触病人...  相似文献   

采用基于双重任务的研究范式,操纵线索与意向的关联性、分心水平以及线索区别性,考察了前瞻记忆的前瞻成分和回溯成分在基于事件的前瞻记忆中的作用。结果表明:(1)靶线索与意向关联性对前瞻记忆的回溯成分有显著影响,靶线索与意向高关联时,意向提取过程符合自动加工;靶线索与意向低关联时,意向提取过程符合策略加工。(2)靶线索的区别性对前瞻记忆的前瞻成分有显著影响,靶线索区别性特征显著提高对线索的识别水平,符合自动加工,当靶线索特征不显著时需要策略加工。  相似文献   

新型冠状病毒肺炎的诊疗与防控是复杂性事件。人们对新发急性传染病的复杂性认识不足。新型冠状病毒和新型冠状病毒肺炎本身具有本体论意义上的复杂性,表现为病原体本质复杂、传播途径复杂、临床症状复杂、防治手段复杂、环境条件复杂等复杂性特征。其中,无症状传播是新型冠状病毒肺炎防治复杂性的突出表现。复杂性思维是与新型冠状病毒肺炎诊疗和防控相适应的思维方式,体现在诊疗和防控的不可分离性、非线性、动态性、不确定性四个方面。"把人民群众生命安全和身体健康放在第一位"是应对新型冠状病毒肺炎诊疗与防控复杂性的指导思想。  相似文献   

AMT(Autobiographical Memory Test)主要用于测量自传体记忆的概括性和具体性特征,已经被诸多研究者所采用,然而关于测验方法的具体问题鲜有研究,其中测验的关键部分线索词的选择和匹配更没有设计较严谨的量化研究。目的:分析与自传体记忆相关的线索词的多种维度,并通过统计指标的计算选取多种维度上最为匹配的线索词,形成中文版的AMT测验材料。方法:采用专家评定法,选取差异系数(cv)作为线索词的计算指标,并设计了差异系数的函数公式,把维度作为参数来计算情绪词的多维参数的函数值,最终作为线索词选择的依据。结果:依据每个词汇的差异系数函数值选择了三个维度上最为匹配的词汇,得到了以15个中文线索词为测验材料的AMT测验工具。  相似文献   

赵天成 《现代哲学》2003,1(2):31-38
本文针对当今“复归”、“走近”马克思的观点,运用当代解释学进行了新破解。本文依据马克思哲学的根本原则,运用当代解释学的积极合理成果,立足于现代思维范式的新视域,对建国以来理解马克思哲学的三个不同阶段、不同结果进行了新破解,肯定了三个不同阶段及结果的合理性及存在的价值,明确指出破解对马克思哲学理解的理解,必须摒弃形而上学的“非此即彼”、以及追求那种所谓“马克思哲学本真精神”的绝对思维方式。运用独特的新视角,指出对马克思哲学的理解是一个开放的过程,这一过程的不同阶段及结果,只要实现了实践、理解主体、理解对象三者的具体、历史统一,就都具有真理性,就都是马克思哲学本真精神的显现;与此同时,还通过这一问题的探索揭示出了该过程的内在逻辑。  相似文献   

王静  薛成波  刘强 《心理学报》2018,50(2):176-185
客体理论认为视觉工作记忆的存储单位是客体, 人类能够把组成物体的所有特征整合成一个单元进行记忆, 不管这些特征是来自不同维度还是同一维度。然而同一维度多个特征可以被整合成客体记忆的结果只被少数研究证实, 大量研究发现同一维度的多个特征不能被整合记忆, 这形成了弱客体理论的基本观点。为了解决两大理论之间的争议, 本研究主要探究同维度特征能否被整合记忆。通过分析以往研究, 我们认为实验范式和物体意义两个因素可能是导致之前大部分研究没有发现维度内特征能够被整合记忆的原因。因此, 实验1采用回忆报告范式替代以往研究经常使用的变化觉察范式, 结果发现, 同一维度的多个特征难以被整合记忆。实验2以记忆无意义物体的特征为基线, 探究在记忆有意义物体的特征时是否可能将多个特征进行整合记忆。结果发现, 对于有意义物体的特征的记忆成绩并没有显著好于记忆无意义物体特征的成绩, 说明即使采用具有较强整合线索的有意义物体作为载体, 同一维度多个特征也难以被整合记忆。两个实验结果进一步支持了弱客体理论。  相似文献   

The events leading up to the founding of the Psychological Laboratory at University College London are examined in the light of correspondence from James Sully to Francis Galton. The correspondence reveals the dependence of Sully on Galton for detailed advice at every stage of the process, possible reasons for which are discussed. It also provides sufficient clues to enable identification of a hitherto anonymous donor. Although Galton may have inspired and advised on the initial setting up of the laboratory, his influence on its work did not become apparent until after his death.  相似文献   

江新  房艳霞 《心理学报》2012,44(1):76-86
要求学习汉语的欧美和日本留学生对三种条件下(只有词没有语境、只有语境没有词、既有词也有语境)的语义半透明的双音复合词进行猜测, 考察语境和构词法线索在欧美和日本留学生汉语生词猜测中的作用。结果显示:在猜测词义中语境和构词法线索分别都能提供一定的信息, 但同时提供两种信息能得到更好的猜测; 语境和构词法线索在生词猜测过程中所起的作用不同, 语境能提供更多句法上的信息, 构词法能提供更多语义上的信息; 目标词的结构方式对生词猜测产生影响, 与动宾式生词相比, 偏正式生词的猜测较为容易且构词法线索在其中的作用较大; 母语文字背景可能影响词义猜测的效果, 日本留学生对于构词法、语境线索以及两者的整合都比欧美留学生好。  相似文献   

Based on Scheibe's (1979) concept of sagacity, the first purpose of this research was to assess the role of vigilance in a judgment task wherein subjects “read between the lines” of target persons' word associations Second, on the basis of the locus of control and cue expectation literature, we tested the prediction that internals would be more successful judges than would externals only when a vigilant strategy was not emphasized in the task instructions In keeping with the first prediction, judges who used the vigilant strategy of circling what they thought to be clues did significantly better on the judgment task and on a post-judgment clue awareness task However, the results provided no support for the predicted interaction of instructions and locus of control These null findings emerged in a conceptual replication using a different version of the judgment task and a different form of cue explication In both studies, externals did significantly better than did internals on the clue awareness task Finally, a supplementary study tested whether good- and poor-vigilant judges processed different clues in the judgment task Analyses of the clues circled while making judgments revealed that, relative to poor judges, good judges more often selected the most important clue in the task, and the discrepancy between good and poor judges increased over trials of the task Together with previous studies, the results provide strong support for conceptualizing the judgment task in terms of Scheibe's concept of sagacity.  相似文献   

This paper attempts to elaborate a fundamental brain mechanism involved in the creation and maintenance of symbolic fields of thought. It will integrate theories of psychic spaces as explored by Donald Winnicott and Wilfred Bion with the neuroscientific examinations of those with bilateral hippocampal injury to show how evidence from both disciplines sheds important light on this aspect of mind. Possibly originating as a way of maintaining an oriented, first person psychic map, this capacity allows individuals a dynamic narrative access to a realm of layered elements and their connections. If the proposed hypothesis is correct, the hippocampus facilitates the integration of this symbolic field of mind, where narrative forms of thinking, creativity, memory, and dreaming are intertwined. Without the hippocampus, there is an inability to engage many typical forms of thought itself. Also, noting the ways these individuals are not impaired supports theories about other faculties of mind, providing insight into their possible roles within human thought. The evidence of different systems working in conjunction with the symbolic field provides tantalizing clues about these fundamental mechanisms of brain and mind that are normally seamlessly integrated, and hints at future areas of clinical and laboratory research, both within neuroscience and psychoanalysis.  相似文献   

Two techniques for studying judgment are discussed. In the first of these one assumes invariance of perception over different judgment processes and conceives of the properties of one judgment process as known. Then, perceptions may be estimated under this process and utilized in the study of other judgment processes of interest. A second technique disposes of the reliance up on a basic, “known” process and instead suggests that perception be treated as free parameters to be estimated from data. The paper then proceeds to show how this second technique may be used under certain conditions on perception themselves. A concept of sensation is introduced which is thought of as generating percepts in formally the same manner as percepts are thought of as generating judgments. The idea is tried out on the perception of movement time. A simple perception process appears to give a good fit to data.  相似文献   

Nielsen TA 《The Behavioral and brain sciences》2000,23(6):851-66; discussion 904-1121
Numerous studies have replicated the finding of mentation in both rapid eye movement (REM) and nonrapid eye movement (NREM) sleep. However, two different theoretical models have been proposed to account for this finding: (1) a one-generator model, in which mentation is generated by a single set of processes regardless of physiological differences between REM and NREM sleep; and (2) a two-generator model, in which qualitatively different generators produce cognitive activity in the two states. First, research is reviewed demonstrating conclusively that mentation can occur in NREM sleep; global estimates show an average mentation recall rate of about 50% from NREM sleep--a value that has increased substantially over the years. Second, nine different types of research on REM and NREM cognitive activity are examined for evidence supporting or refuting the two models. The evidence largely, but not completely, favors the two-generator model. Finally, in a preliminary attempt to reconcile the two models, an alternative model is proposed that assumes the existence of covert REM sleep processes during NREM sleep. Such covert activity may be responsible for much of the dreamlike cognitive activity occurring in NREM sleep.  相似文献   


Focusing on the analysis of a clinical case, this article studies the manner in which certain traumatic events can induce some individuals to produce auto-traumatic processes. In parallel, it demonstrates how the foundations of a subject’s origins can, at an early stage, find themselves undermined by an environment that does not recognise the subject, and that sends out messages that seem to exclude him or her from their filiation. What can follow is a partial breakdown in the ideation of origins that leads some individuals to create a personal myth of birth. This myth, that borrows some elements from collective myths, can to some extent substitute itself for the representation of filiation. This process will be differentiated here from delusional phenomena, or the ‘sexual theories of children’. This article also demonstrates the important role of the analysis of ‘anxiety dreams’ in these traumatic configurations: this analysis has the power to bring to light the different conflicting elements with which the ego identifies, so as to put an end to the auto-traumatic process, as well as giving clues for lifting the amnesia regarding a childhood personal myth of birth. Under these conditions ‘acts of birth’ can become inscribed into the analysis.  相似文献   

It is argued that causal understanding originates in experiences of acting on objects. Such experiences have consistent features that can be used as clues to causal identification and judgment. These are singular clues, meaning that they can be detected in single instances. A catalog of 14 singular clues is proposed. The clues function as heuristics for generating causal judgments under uncertainty and are a pervasive source of bias in causal judgment. More sophisticated clues such as mechanism clues and repeated interventions are derived from the 14. Research on the use of empirical information and conditional probabilities to identify causes has used scenarios in which several of the clues are present, and the use of empirical association information for causal judgment depends on the presence of singular clues. It is the singular clues and their origin that are basic to causal understanding, not multiple instance clues such as empirical association, contingency, and conditional probabilities.  相似文献   

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