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试论身体锻炼与心理健康之间的关系   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
唐征宇 《心理科学》2000,23(3):370-370,369
身体锻炼与心理健康之间关系的研究 ,是当代运动心理学研究的热点问题之一。过去二十年中 ,运动心理学界有大量的研究致力于了解身体锻炼对心理健康的影响。身体锻炼能对人的心理发生影响 ,这已经是一个无可争辩的事实。至于这种影响是如何形成的 ,它的机制如何 ,涉及的面包括哪些 ,不同的学者提出了自己的看法。1 神经心理学的研究一般认为 ,大脑血流量的增加 ,使得向大脑提供的必需的营养物也增加 ,从而有益于有机体的认知功能。利用现代技术手段———氙间隙技术 (Xenonclearancetechniques)对人类进行研究 ,发…  相似文献   

身体锻炼对情绪调节的影响机制述评   总被引:15,自引:1,他引:14  
陈作松  季浏 《心理科学》2003,26(4):740-740,737
自20世纪60~70年代以来,身体锻炼与心理健康的关系问题,引起了西方心理学界的极大关注,身体锻炼与情绪变化的实证研究越来越多,许多国内、外的研究支持了身体锻炼对调节消极的情绪(如抑郁、焦虑等),改善心境状态有着明显的效果。美国学者Cox(1994)等人在前人研究的基础上归纳总结,提出了身体锻炼对情绪调节的基本假说,即认知行为假说、社会交互作用假说、注意力转移假说、心血管功能假说、内啡肽假说、胺假说。试图从理论上解释身体锻炼对情绪调节的机制。从情绪心理学的角度看,这些假说大抵存在生物观、认知观和社会文化观等三种理论倾向。  相似文献   

身体锻炼对高中学生主观幸福感的影响及其心理机制   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
陈作松  季浏 《心理学报》2006,38(4):562-575
为了考察身体锻炼与高中学生主观幸福感的关系,采用量表法进行了研究,控制了相关变量后的研究结果表明:(1)经常锻炼的高中学生比锻炼不足的高中学生的主观幸福感更加强烈,这一差异表现在两者之间的情感成份和特殊生活满意感上;一次的身体锻炼对高中学生主观幸福感没有影响,长期性的身体锻炼可以提高高中学生主观幸福感;小锻炼量和中等锻炼量的身体锻炼随着锻炼持续时间的增长,对高中学生主观幸福感影响加深,而大锻炼量随着锻炼持续时间的增长对高中学生主观幸福感的影响,呈现倒“V”型的曲线状;随着锻炼持续时间的增长,中等锻炼量的效果明显优于小锻炼量和大锻炼量的效果;(2)身体锻炼不仅可以直接对高中学生主观幸福感产生影响,而且可以通过身体自尊,人际关系、人格等中介变量对高中学生主观幸福感产生影响  相似文献   

采用自编的《大学生身体活动心理影响因素调查问卷》和《国际身体活动问卷》对湖北省9所高校的395名大学生进行调查,采用验证性因子分析对不同锻炼行为理论模型对闲暇时间身体活动的影响进行比较得出,影响大学生闲暇时间身体活动水平的主要心理影响因素是行为习惯、目标态度、结果评价、情感体验、社会支持、自我认同、行为态度、行为意向这8个因素;并从性别、年级、专业、生源地以及学校类型几个方面对湖北省大学生身体活动心理因素进行了比较。  相似文献   

以理性决策为基础的锻炼行为理论被认为是理解身体活动的主导体系, 它提供了与身体活动相关的认知构念作为有价值的信息。基于社会生态模型设计的行为干预措施, 因表现出了更好的效果而备受关注。近期研究表明, 积极的运动认知和当前体育环境都没能很好地促进个人锻炼习惯的养成, 因此有必要探索新的理论体系来阐明个人锻炼习惯的形成机制。解释身体活动的最新体系是双系统理论, 由于其考虑了身体活动的无意识和快乐决定因素, 有望提供一个更广泛的动机视角。一方面, 多个有代表性的身体活动双系统模型, 从简单的自发路径, 到情境线索与锻炼习惯, 再到突出自动情感评价作用的复杂概念模型, 阐明了系统1的构建, 结合锻炼行为理论所关注的系统2, 为模型的构建提供了依据。另一方面, 通过对双系统的竞争、协调和层级控制原则的分析, 为模型的控制提供了建议。经典的强化学习框架解释了双系统模型的构建与控制原则:在模型的构建方面, 无模型与基于模型的强化学习分别表示系统1和系统2。在模型的控制方面, Dyna协作架构与分层强化学习, 为身体活动可能是一种相互协作、分层执行的复杂行动组合提供了合理解释。最后提出强化学习视角下锻炼者-体育环境的互动模式, 试图从一个全新的角度探讨锻炼行为。  相似文献   

刘信 《四川心理科学》2014,(16):231-231
随着全民健身纲要的不断推进,丽江地区农村居民结合本民族文化优势的同时,学习和借鉴的城镇居民锻炼方式,农村居民的广场舞也理所当然的开展起来了,本文采用问卷调查法和访谈法,对丽江地区农村居民广场舞锻炼情况进行调查,了解他们参与广场舞的目的动机、广场舞开展的内容,分析在开展广场舞现实情况中存在的问题以及针对这些问题提出科学合理的解决办法。  相似文献   

活力是指个体能够运用身体和心理的能量, 展现富有生机的精神面貌而且行动有力。当个体有活力时, 会体验到源自自体的一种激情、生机和能量。活力的典型成分是能量、警醒和生机。当前, 活力对个体的影响研究主要体现在身心健康、工作和学习领域以及人生幸福等方面。对活力的影响因素研究主要集中在体育锻炼、冥想、外在物理环境以及人际环境等方面。在今后的研究中, 要加强对活力的理论建构、深入开展实证研究、应用研究以及本土化研究。  相似文献   

孟海江  陈蕾  王刚  张剑 《心理学报》2023,(10):1653-1661
尽管研究发现运动锻炼会导致大脑运动皮层可塑性改变,但对不同形式运动锻炼老年人初级运动皮层突触可塑性变化的差异性却知之甚少。研究采用经颅磁刺激技术,横向比较了乒乓球锻炼老年人、太极拳锻炼老年人和久坐老年人在配对联合刺激(PAS25)前、后动作诱发电位和短时程皮层内抑制的变化。结果发现,经常参与乒乓球和太极拳运动锻炼老年人PAS25后的动作诱发电位振幅持续增强,且乒乓球锻炼老年人增强的幅度显著高于太极拳锻炼老年人。三组老年人PAS25后各个时间点的短时程皮层内抑制均没有差异性。提示不同形式运动锻炼老年人初级运动皮层突触可塑性增强存在运动项目差异性。  相似文献   

正我是一个不爱锻炼的人,但是现在每天会拿出一个小时,到小区的健身操场活动筋骨。这是一件辛苦的事情,不过因为对自己的身体有好处,也就坚持下来了。你看看"锻炼"这两个字,左边的偏旁,一个是"金",一个是"火",本意象征的是金属的冶炼和延展,都非轻松的工序。右边的部分也很复杂,难以一蹴而就。由此看来,除了专业运动员之外,一般人要想把锻炼身体这件事认认真真一丝不苟地完成,必得付出持之以恒的毅力和  相似文献   

探讨品管圈活动在卒中偏瘫患者肢体功能锻炼中的应用效果。将66例患者随机分为对照组(常规锻炼组)和试验组(品管圈组),分别行不同模式的功能锻炼。采用康复护理日常生活活动(RNADL)量表分别对其日常生活活动能力(ADL)进行评定。试验组自理能力高于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P〈0.01),且其依从性与对照组比较,差异有统计学意义(P〈O.05)。品管圈有助于提高卒中偏瘫患者功能锻炼的依从性。  相似文献   

Sisti DA  Baum-Baicker C 《The American psychologist》2012,67(4):325; discussion 325-325; discussion 326
Comments on the original article, "Nonrational processes in ethical decision making" by M. D. Rogerson et al (see record 2011-19198-001). The current authors suggest that Rogerson, Gottlieb, Handelsman, Knapp, and Younggren (October 2011) presumed that the only ethical theories available for grounding decision-making models are of the rational, neoliberal variety. Rogerson et al stated, "Contextual, interpersonal, and intuitive factors are inextricably linked and inexorably influential in the process of ethical decision making. Ethical theory would benefit from encompassing these subtle yet powerful forces" (Rogerson et al., 2011, p. 616). They sought to augment these models with a cluster of contextual considerations, appending to them accounts of emotion, context, and intuition. First, notwithstanding the theories attributed to (the caricature of) Kant and his ilk, there are several ethical theories that include an account of what Rogerson et al. (2011) consider to be "nonrational" processes. From feminist theories to narrative ethics, sophisticated contextual theories have been developed and are readily available. Second, we question whether thick contextual considerations can simply be tacked on to extant models of decision making originally built upon a philosophical foundation that assumes a rational, autonomous agent who deliberates independently and logically.  相似文献   

Pomerantz AM 《The American psychologist》2012,67(4):324-5; discussion 325-6
Comments on the original article, "Nonrational processes in ethical decision making" by M. D. Rogerson et al (see record 2011-19198-001). Among the many insightful points made by Rogerson, Gottlieb, Handelsman, Knapp, and Younggren (October 2011) regarding nonrational processes in ethical decision making, one deserves further explication: Many of psychologists' ethical decisions lead to actions done to someone. Unfortunately, frameworks and models of ethical decision making frequently neglect this fact by implying that the decisions happen in the abstract, but in truth, these decisions often affect a specific recipient. Importantly, the characteristics of that specific recipient, especially as perceived by the psychologist, can have a powerful impact on the process of ethical decision making (Caughron et al., 2011). It would be wise to add such a hypothetical to the list of specific questions that Rogerson et al recommended psychologists ask themselves: Would I make the same ethical decision if the person(s) toward whom the decision is directed had different characteristics?  相似文献   


Increasing evidence suggests that regular physical activity can have considerable psychological, as well as physical, benefits in the elderly. Although factors such as exercise dosage may be implicated in exercise-induced affect responses, it has also been suggested that social and psychological factors might influence this relationship. This study examined the roles played by exercise environment (group versus alone) and self-efficacy in affective change in 80 older adults (M age = 66 yrs) over the course of three acute exercise bouts. Using latent growth curve methodology and statistically controlling for duration and intensity of exercise, we were able to demonstrate that social (group) environments resulted in statistically significant improvements in feeling state responses when contrasted with a condition in which the participants exercised alone. In addition, increases in self-efficacy were associated with more positive and less negative feeling states. Environmental factors that might influence the exercise-affect response are discussed and recommendations for subsequent exercise, efficacy, affect research made.  相似文献   

While the term exercise addiction has been largely rejected in favour of, for example, exercise dependence, the association of exercise with addiction stems from Glasser (1976) who differentiated between positive and negative addiction to running, being analogous to commitment and dependence, respectively. There are a number of possible explanations for exercise dependence, the more popular being based upon endorphin production and on personality. A key issue for research is to determine the threshold between commitment and dependence; that is, how much exercise is necessary to benefit mental health, and how much is too much? In addition, a holistic approach incorporating biological, social and situation-specific, as well as psychological factors, is supported in order to explain further the reasons for an exercise-dependent lifestyle. While ‘compulsive athleticism” (Yam et al., 1994) presents a cause for concern, and although it is not yet possible to identify, unequivocally the antecedents of this behaviour, it is proposed that a counselling approach to the problem of exercise dependence and associated negative self-perception may be timely.  相似文献   

夏扉  叶宝娟 《心理科学》2014,37(6):1386-1391
采用压力性生活事件量表、基本心理需要量表、特质应对方式问卷和烟酒使用问卷对867名青少年进行调查,考察了基本心理需要和积极应对方式、消极应对方式在压力性生活事件与烟酒使用关系中的链式中介效应。结果表明:(1)基本心理需要是压力性生活事件与青少年烟酒使用之间的中介变量;(2)积极应对方式、消极应对方式是基本心理需要与青少年烟酒使用之间的中介变量。因此,基本心理需要和积极应对方式、消极应对方式在压力性生活事件与青少年烟酒使用之间起链式中介作用。研究结论对青少年烟酒使用的预防和干预具有重要价值。  相似文献   

Exercise in natural environments can improve cognition, positive affect, and reduce psychological stress. However, it remains unclear whether these benefits are subject to a gradient effect, whereby more natural features confer greater cognitive and psychological benefits. This study examined the influence of the exercise environment (i.e., the degree of nature) on cognition, and psychological outcomes in a sample of adolescents (n = 90; mean age = 14.3 ±.05 years). Four groups were randomised to one of the following experimental conditions: a non-exercise indoor control, indoor exercise, park exercise, and exercise in a nature reserve. Participants’ self-reported their stress, affect, and vitality and completed two measures of cognition (‘Rapid Visual Information Processing’ and ‘Spatial Working Memory’) immediately before and ~6 min after exercise. All exercise conditions participated in a group-based circuit lasting ~20 min, which included a mixture of aerobic and body-weight resistance activities. Linear mixed models were used to examine changes within and between groups. The indoor group increased sustained attention accuracy compared to the park group. There were no between-group differences in working memory. The indoor and nature groups increased cognitive arousal compared to control. The park group improved in state-level vitality compared to control. The mixed-results of this research do not support our ‘nature gradient’ hypothesis, whereby cognitive and psychological outcomes would improve in accordance with the degree of nature present in the exercise environment.  相似文献   

张妍  孔繁昌  陈红  向燕辉  高笑  陈敏燕 《心理学报》2010,42(11):1060-1072
运用事件相关电位(ERPs)技术, 采用学习-再认实验任务, 探讨了男性对有、无吸引力女性面孔图片进行判断和再认时脑内时程的动态变化。行为数据结果表明, 男性对有吸引力女性面孔的反应时更长, 再认正确率更高。ERP结果发现, 有、无吸引力面孔诱发的ERP早成分和晚成分都存在显著差异, 最强效应出现在大脑皮层的中前部。在判断任务和再认任务中, 有吸引力的女性面孔都比无吸引力的女性面孔诱发出更大的ERP成分(分别为N300、P350~550ms和P160、N300~500ms、P500~700ms)。结果表明, 男性对有吸引力的女性面孔的判断和再认存在偏好。  相似文献   

智慧与美德是独立但相互作用的心理结构。针对其关系,以往哲学家与心理学家基于个人经验和文化观念进行了大量规范性层面的理论思辨,但仍存在理论分歧(线性论、阈值论、从属论),且缺少以定量方法为主的描述性层面的实证研究,尤其缺乏基于实验的关于“智”与“仁”双向因果关系的探索。未来研究可以借鉴实验伦理学的范式,着眼于研究特定领域、特定情境下智慧与美德之间的双向因果关系,加强中国文化背景下的智慧与美德关系的研究,并探索其潜在的认知神经机制。如何统一智慧与美德关系的“应然”与“实然”的研究,是接下来需要面临的挑战。  相似文献   

A comment by Rudy and Sutherland [Rudy, J. R., &; Sutherland, R. J. (2008). Is it systems or cellular consolidation? Time will tell. An alternative interpretation of the Morris Group’s recent Science Paper. Neurobiology of Learning and Memory] has suggested an alternative account of recent findings concerning very rapid systems consolidation as described in a recent paper by Tse et al [Tse, D., Langston, R. F., Kakeyama, M., Bethus, I., Spooner, P. A., &; Wood, E. R., et al. (2007). Schemas and memory consolidation. Science, 316, 76–82]. This is to suppose that excitotoxic lesions of the hippocampus cause transient disruptive neural activity outside the target structure that interferes with cellular consolidation in the cortex. We disagree with this alternative interpretation of our findings and cite relevant data in our original paper indicating why this proposal is unlikely. Various predictions of the two accounts are nonetheless outlined, together with the types of experiments needed to resolve the issue of whether systems consolidation can occur very rapidly when guided by activated neural schemas.  相似文献   

Preliminary research indicates that self-presentation may be an important antecedent and consequence of physical activity because it may affect people's exercise cognitions, attitudes, and behaviors. The specific purposes of this article were to review the literature on self-presentational processes with regard to (a) exercise behavior, (b) motivation to engage in physical activity, (c) the characteristics of the exercise environment, (d) subjective responses to acute exercise, and (e) the effects of exercise interventions on self-presentational concerns. Implications of a self-presentational perspective for examining exercise adherence and developing physical activity interventions are discussed.  相似文献   

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