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<正>这是一个已咨询20多次的个案。咨询师是个新手。这次她提到了咨询在稳步进行,但来访者有间接表达不满的现象。咨询师要听懂来访者间接表达的不满被督:“我觉得很神奇,上次督导时,您谈到是否要帮助来访者解决现实中的困难,这次来访者就提到其现实的困难了。因为是督导过的问题,所以我没有慌乱,这次咨询整体上我觉得还是比较稳定的。”  相似文献   

来访者是一名女大学生,偏内向,在人际交往中,因对他人态度判断时存在不合理认知而形成焦虑情绪。经过收集其资料,心理咨询师排除了其患精神病性或神经症性的可能,鉴定为人际交往焦虑,属一般心理问题。心理咨询师与来访者商定了阶段性的咨询目标,主要运用合理情绪疗法,帮助来访者改变不合理认知,消除其焦虑情绪,促进社会交往功能。  相似文献   

谢悦  贾晓明 《心理科学》2021,(4):1004-1011
为探索高校咨询师面临的多重关系伦理情境、决策过程,对访谈17名高校心理咨询师的资料进行分析。结果:常见情境主要包括接送礼物承载的新关系、来访者和咨询师除咨询关系外的师生关系、咨询师与和来访者有关的第三人有关系、咨询师在咨询室之外的场所偶遇来访者、来访者有咨询师的联系方式、来访者和咨询师有身体接触等。决策表现为两种:经验主导型,决策时未意识到处于伦理情境只凭经验决策;伦理主导型,决策时意识到处在伦理情境。结论:高校心理咨询存在一些特殊多重关系,心理咨询师需增加具有伦理意识的决策。  相似文献   

一位女大学生在由于人际关系敏感,不能与同学正常交往,出现焦虑情绪、睡眠障碍、学习效率下降等症状。咨询师通过摄入性会谈收集了资料,发现来访者之所以陷入困境与复杂的家庭关系有关。咨询师主要运用认知行为疗法,帮助来访者进行认知重建,通过5次咨询,来访者情绪趋于平稳,睡眠得到了改善,学习效率得以提高,社会适应能力及心理承受能力都得到了提高,人格进一步完善。  相似文献   

这是一个已咨询3次的个案。咨询师是一个新手,她向督导汇报了自己最近一次咨询的经过。怎样回应来访者转移话题?督导:"你提了一个非常有意思的问题:当来访者想要转移话题时该怎么办?你能说一下具体的情况吗?"被督:"我们在第二次咨询中谈及来访者为人际关系而苦恼,但没有谈完,当时约定第三次咨询接着谈。  相似文献   

心理诊断是心理咨询师对来访者问题进行综合评估的过程,是心理咨询与心理治疗非常重要、也是十分必要的环节。但是,当心理咨询师对来访者做出了综合评估后,是不是必须要对来访者给出一个“你是什么什么问题”,或者“是什么什么症”的“说法”呢?但这种做法没有什么积极意义。相反,现实中的“说法”对心理咨询师和来访者都造成了一系列的困扰和问题。因此,在心理咨询与治疗当中,应该去掉这个“说法”。  相似文献   

本文通过对一例焦虑情绪的来访者咨询案例研究,经过讨论分析,作出诊断,确定来访者为因自身认识而导致的焦虑情绪。咨询师恰当运用合理情绪疗法,成功帮助来访者走出心理困境,改变其错误认知,消除其焦虑情绪,取得了较好的咨询效果。  相似文献   

<正>这是一个已咨询20多次的个案。咨询师是个新手,这一次的督导非常焦急,因为她急切地想帮助来访者。咨询师要帮助来访者解决办公室政治吗?被督:“这次来访者遇到了比较大的困难,她们公司正在做组织构架调整,她们部门会受影响,本来她是部门里最能干的员工,裁员怎么也不会先从她身上开始,但由于部门的老总和副总之间有矛盾,她被当作副总的人,听说第一批裁员名单上就有她在,这次咨询当中她非常焦虑,  相似文献   

本文是一例利用认知行为疗法对高中生进行心理咨询的案例报告。来访者王某因在班级当众出丑的现实冲突引发持续的焦虑、抑郁情绪,严重影响其学习和生活——近三个月处于情绪焦虑、低落、不安,内容充分泛化的心理不健康状态。心理测验显示有中度的焦虑症状,其心理问题符合严重心理问题的诊断标准。咨询师根据来访者的症状及其相关认知特点帮助来访者调整认知观念,用系统脱敏法消除了来访者的负性情绪,取得了良好效果。  相似文献   

阅读是我们日常生活中的一项重要认知活动。利用插图来帮助人们提高阅读理解能力是一种常用的方法。本研究选取了40名大学生做被试,使用眼动仪考察了图文相关程度(高和低)对不同认知方式大学生(场依存型和场独立型)图文阅读的影响。结果发现:(1)图文相关性对不同认知方式读者影响不同,图文相关程度对场独立型读者的阅读成绩无显著影响,但对场依存型读者影响显著。场依存型读者对高相关材料的阅读理解成绩显著优于低相关材料。(2)场依存型读者在阅读不同相关图文时会主动调整加工对象。图文相关高时,场依存型读者更多注视插图;而图文相关低时,场依存型读者更多注视文字内容。此外,场依存型读者在图文之间的转换和对文字的注视点平均持续时间多于场独立型读者。本研究认为,高相关插图有助于提高场依存型读者的阅读成绩;场依存型读者在阅读不同相关程度图文时会主动调整加工对象。  相似文献   

A functional region of left fusiform gyrus termed “the visual word form area” (VWFA) develops during reading acquisition to respond more strongly to printed words than to other visual stimuli. Here, we examined responses to letters among 5‐ and 6‐year‐old early kindergarten children (N = 48) with little or no school‐based reading instruction who varied in their reading ability. We used functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to measure responses to individual letters, false fonts, and faces in left and right fusiform gyri. We then evaluated whether signal change and size (spatial extent) of letter‐sensitive cortex (greater activation for letters versus faces) and letter‐specific cortex (greater activation for letters versus false fonts) in these regions related to (a) standardized measures of word‐reading ability and (b) signal change and size of face‐sensitive cortex (fusiform face area or FFA; greater activation for faces versus letters). Greater letter specificity, but not letter sensitivity, in left fusiform gyrus correlated positively with word reading scores. Across children, in the left fusiform gyrus, greater size of letter‐sensitive cortex correlated with lesser size of FFA. These findings are the first to suggest that in beginning readers, development of letter responsivity in left fusiform cortex is associated with both better reading ability and also a reduction of the size of left FFA that may result in right‐hemisphere dominance for face perception.  相似文献   

Human visual object recognition is multifaceted and comprised of several domains of expertise. Developmental relations between young children's letter recognition and their 3-dimensional object recognition abilities are implicated on several grounds but have received little research attention. Here, we ask how preschoolers' success in recognizing letters relates to their ability to recognize 3-dimensional objects from sparse shape information alone. Seventy-three 2 1/2 to 5-year-old children completed a “Letter Recognition” task, measuring the ability to identify a named letter among 3 letters, and a “Shape Caricature Recognition” task, measuring recognition of familiar objects from sparse, abstract information about their part shapes and the spatial relations among those parts. Children also completed a control “Shape Bias” task, in which success depends on matching exact shapes but not on building an internal representation of the configuration of features characteristic of an object category or letter. Children's success in letter recognition was positively related to their shape caricature recognition scores, but not to their shape bias scores. The results suggest that letter recognition builds upon developing skills in attending to and representing the relational structure of object shape, and that these skills are common to both 2-dimensional and 3-dimensional object perception.  相似文献   

Mirror writing refers to the production of individual letters, whole words or sentences in reverse direction. Unintentional mirror writing has been observed in young children learning to write and interpreted as the manifestation of different cognitive impairments. We report on mirror writing instances in a sample of 108 pre-school children. Results showed MW to be age-related but independent from handedness and left-right discrimination abilities. We propose an account of mirror writing as reflecting dissociation between acquired motor programmes for letter shape composition and unspecified spatial direction of hand movements. Before learning to write, the child’s directional cognitive system is assumed to be dichotomous, thus inducing the production of randomly oriented asymmetrical letters.  相似文献   

How do we code the letters of a word when we have to write it? We examined whether the orthographic representations that the writing system activates have a specific coding for letters when these are doubled in a word. French participants wrote words on a digitizer. The word pairs shared the initial letters and differed on the presence of a double letter (e.g., LISSER/LISTER). The results on latencies, letter and inter-letter interval durations revealed that L and I are slower to write when followed by a doublet (SS) than when not (ST). Doublet processing constitutes a supplementary cognitive load that delays word production. This suggests that word representations code letter identity and quantity separately. The data also revealed that the central processes that are involved in spelling representation cascade into the peripheral processes that regulate movement execution.  相似文献   

Subjects responded “yes” if two equal-length strings of letters contained a common letter in a common position; otherwise they responded “no.” Thus, the task was to judge whether all or not all of the letters in one string differed from the letter occupying the corresponding position in the other string. Conversely, in “same”-“different” judgment, the task is to judge whether all or not all of the letters in one string match the corresponding letter in the other string. Thus, common-letter judgment and “same”-“different” judgment are symmetrically related with “no” analogous to “same” and “yes” analogous to “different.” The response “same” is often faster than the response “different.” However, in the common-letter task, “no” was slower than “yes.” More specifically, both the “yes” and “no” reaction times were consistent with a serial self-terminating search. This is precisely what would be expected from Bamber’s (1969) two-process model.  相似文献   

We report a patient (MT) with a highly specific alexia affecting the identification of letters and words but not numbers. He shows a corresponding deficit in writing: his letter writing is impaired while number writing and written calculation is spared. He has no aphasia, no visuo-perceptual or -constructional difficulties, or other cognitive deficits. A similar pattern of performance has to our knowledge only been reported once before [Anderson, S. W., Damasio, A. R., & Damasio, H. (1990). Troubled letters but not numbers. Domain specific cognitive impairments following focal damage in frontal cortex. Brain, 113, 749-766]. This study shows that letter and number reading are dependent on dissociable processes. More interestingly, it points to a common mechanism subserving the perception and production of letters. We suggest that a deficit in a visuo-motor network containing knowledge of the physical shape of letters might explain the pattern of performance displayed by MT.  相似文献   

John L. Locke 《Cognition》1978,6(3):175-187
Twenty-four deaf and hearing children silently read a printed passage while crossing out all detected cases of a pre-specified target letter. Target letters appeared in phonemically modal form, a category loosely analogous to “pronounced” letters (e.g., the g in badge), and in phonemically nonmodal form, a class which included “silent” letters and those pronounced in somewhat atypical fashion (e.g., the g in rough). Hearing children detected significantly more modal than nonmodal forms, an expected pronunciation effect for individuals in whom speech and reading ordinarily are in close functional relationship. The deaf detected exactly as many modal as nonmodal letter forms, provoking the interpretation that deaf children, as a group, do not effectively mediate print with speech. The deaf also were relatively unaffected by grammatical class, while hearing subjects were considerably more likely to detect a target letter if it occured in a content word than a functor term. Questions pertaining to reading instruction in the deaf are discussed.  相似文献   

College students made “same-different” judgments about successively presented pairs of letters whose degree of difference, in terms of the number of line segments out of register, was systematically varied. Reaction time was found to decrease with increases in the degree of difference in “different” responses, as well as to depend on the number of line segments present in the second (probe) letter. “Same” responses were much faster than different responses and were unaffected by the number of segments in the probe letter. This pattern of results suggests analytic (component-by-component) processing of “different” letters and holistic processing of “same” letters. The results have important implications for studies of multi-letter comparisons, in which it is commonly assumed that letter comparisons are holistic in nature.  相似文献   

We aimed to investigate the contributions of visual letter form and abstract letter identity to the time course of letter recognition, by manipulating the typeface (i.e. font) in which letters were presented. Twenty-six adult participants completed a modified one-back task, where letters where presented in easy-to-read typefaces (“fluent” letter stimuli) or difficult-to-read typefaces (“disfluent” letter stimuli). Task instructions necessitated that participant’s focus on letter identity not visual letter form. Electroencephalography was collected and event-related potentials (ERPs) were calculated relative to letter stimuli. It was found that typeface affected both early-mid (N1 amplitude and P2–N2 amplitude and latency) and late processing (450–600 ms), thereby including time points whereby it is theorised that abstract identity is extracted from visual letter form (that is, 300 ms post-stimulus). Visual features of the letter therefore affect its processing well beyond the currently theorised point at which abstract information is extracted; which could be explained by a feedback loop between abstract letter representations and lower-level visual form processing units, which is not included in current cognitive reading models.  相似文献   

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