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身体锻炼对情绪调节的影响机制述评   总被引:15,自引:1,他引:14  
陈作松  季浏 《心理科学》2003,26(4):740-740,737
自20世纪60~70年代以来,身体锻炼与心理健康的关系问题,引起了西方心理学界的极大关注,身体锻炼与情绪变化的实证研究越来越多,许多国内、外的研究支持了身体锻炼对调节消极的情绪(如抑郁、焦虑等),改善心境状态有着明显的效果。美国学者Cox(1994)等人在前人研究的基础上归纳总结,提出了身体锻炼对情绪调节的基本假说,即认知行为假说、社会交互作用假说、注意力转移假说、心血管功能假说、内啡肽假说、胺假说。试图从理论上解释身体锻炼对情绪调节的机制。从情绪心理学的角度看,这些假说大抵存在生物观、认知观和社会文化观等三种理论倾向。  相似文献   

情绪具身性有着广泛的理论假说与研究证据, 从情绪外周理论到面部反馈假说、躯体标记假说再到现在的情绪具身观, 都一致认为情绪是具身的。情绪具身观认为情绪是包括大脑在内的身体的情绪, 身体的解剖学结构、身体的活动方式、身体的感觉和运动体验决定了我们怎样加工情绪。相关的行为和脑机制研究均支持了情绪加工的具身性。目前关于具身情绪的理论解释主要有镜像神经元系统假说、具身模仿论和知觉符号系统理论等。作为一种新兴的理论观点, 情绪具身观为情绪研究提供了新的视角。  相似文献   

尹华站  张丽  李丹 《心理科学》2023,(2):491-499
时距知觉情绪效应指个体时距知觉因情绪影响而相对扭曲的现象。这一效应基于研究者所持“情绪观”的差异而被从不同视角进行理论解释。情绪离身观主张情绪产生基于对情绪刺激本身维度的加工。离身观下的时距知觉情绪效应可以用单一唤醒机制、单一注意机制、单一工作记忆衰减机制、唤醒和注意共同受唤醒度调节机制以及唤醒、注意及工作记忆受目标时间长度动态调节机制等进行解释,情绪具身观主张情绪产生是身体和情绪信息共同参与的结果。具身观下时距知觉情绪效应可以用具身化调节内部时钟速率、内感受性强度以及神经能量高低等机制进行解释。未来研究应注意:其一,基于离身情绪观需要首先明确“唤醒”、“注意”在具体研究的含义,操纵并观测“唤醒”和“注意”等变量主效应及其他变量(机体或环境变量)的调节效应。同时,厘清时距知觉情绪效应的判定标准,并为情绪刺激时距知觉分段综合假说提供佐证;其二,基于具身情绪观需要首先澄清内感受性强度、神经能量在具体研究中的内涵,然后,厘清时距知觉情绪效应产生机制的因果链,并为情绪刺激具身化调节时距知觉假说提供佐证。其三,需要在解释时距知觉情绪效应之前首先确立应该持何种情绪观的前提条件,然后再探索何种因素在...  相似文献   

嗅觉是人类进化而来解决生存与繁衍问题的“适应器”。大量研究证实嗅觉影响个体的人际知觉与道德判断,影响其亲社会行为、风险行为与消费行为的决策,但尚无文献系统探讨这些影响背后的作用机制。在综述各类研究的基础上,从种系发展、身体、情绪、认知与人际等维度出发,整理与总结了进化假说、生理学假说、情绪诱导假说、具身认知假说和社会建构假说等5种假说,在多个层面对嗅觉影响社会判断与决策的作用机制进行了阐释。当前研究存在着个体对气味的感知存在差异,不同研究对气味的剂量、暴露时间等操纵方式不同,未充分考虑嗅觉的跨通道信息整合等问题,未来应加强嗅觉在跨通道、本土化和跨文化,以及社会生活,比如消费心理等领域的相关研究。  相似文献   

白蓉  范会勇  张进辅 《心理科学进展》2011,19(12):1777-1787
如何促进老年人的认知功能, 延缓认知老化, 是老年心理学的关键课题之一。大量研究表明不同的身体活动类型、活动强度、活动量以及生命早期的身体活动可能对老年人认知功能的各个方面有积极的影响, 包括执行功能、注意力、认知速度、记忆力等。此外, 选择性提高假说、心血管功能假说以及认知-锻炼模型用来解释这一影响机制。这些发现对维护老年人认知功能, 提高老年人的生命质量, 有效延缓衰老有着重要的意义。  相似文献   

为考察相貌负面身体自我、社交回避与苦恼在情绪调节困难和手机成瘾关系中的链式中介效应,使用情绪调节困难量表、相貌负面身体自我量表、社交回避与苦恼量表和大学生手机成瘾倾向量表对734名大学生进行问卷调查。研究显示:(1)情绪调节困难会正向预测大学生手机成瘾;(2)相貌负面身体自我是情绪调节困难与大学生手机成瘾之间关系的中介变量;(3)社交回避与苦恼是相貌负面身体自我与大学生手机成瘾之间关系的中介变量;(4)社交回避与苦恼是情绪调节困难与大学生手机成瘾之间关系的中介变量。因此,相貌负面身体自我和社交回避与苦恼在情绪调节困难与大学生手机成瘾之间起链式中介作用,这些结果对于大学生手机成瘾的预防与干预具有重要的价值。  相似文献   

具身化情绪是指感受情绪不仅包括知觉,也包括躯体状态和运动的重新体验(Niedenthal,2007)。在时间知觉领域,研究者通过操纵情绪刺激的行动特征、对刺激行动的熟悉性、身体的物理和意识状态、以及身体与环境的交互性等因素揭示了具身化(模拟和行为应对)在情绪性时间判断中的重要作用。情绪具身化的时间效应包括时距的主观延长或缩短以及时间顺序判断中的通道注意偏见等。目前的理论解释主要有内部时钟模型、意识模型和编码效率假设,但这些理论缺乏具身化调节时间加工的直接机制。未来研究可以进一步探索情绪具身化的跨通道时间调节、具身化的动态时间效应以及时间感知如何影响具身化体验,同时采用认知神经科学技术揭示情绪、具身化和时间加工连接的神经机制以完善和发展有关理论。  相似文献   

张钦  王岩  罗峥  陈静 《心理科学进展》2011,19(9):1259-1266
情绪对记忆的促进作用, 已得到了大量研究的证实。但是, 情绪对记忆的损害作用还没有得到一致的研究结果。情绪诱导的记忆损害的条件和机制还没有得到很好的确认和解释。并且, 在证实了情绪对记忆的影响之后, 一个更具有现实意义的问题是, 人类能够在多大程度上调控情绪对记忆的影响呢?虽然已有的情绪调节研究对一些重要的情绪调节策略如认知重评和抑制进行了较多的探讨, 考察了情绪调节对情绪事件记忆的影响。但是, 关于情绪调节是否可以有效地调整情绪唤醒对中性项目记忆的影响, 目前只有少量的研究。对情绪调节影响记忆的认知神经机制还所知甚少。因此, 本项目拟综合使用行为测量和认知神经科学技术, 在考察情绪唤醒对记忆的损害效应的条件和机制的基础上, 进一步探讨认知重评、抑制和忽视等情绪调节策略调控记忆中的情绪效应的有效性和认知神经机制。研究结果将会有助于对情绪、情绪调节和记忆的关系的理解, 并对促进学生的学习记忆活动有现实意义。  相似文献   

张慧会  张亮 《心理科学进展》2018,26(7):1193-1203
在个体生命早期遭遇的长期或重大的应激经历会显著增加个体罹患抑郁、焦虑等心理疾患的风险, 而情绪调节能力的损伤是引发这些心理疾患的重要因素之一。以人类为对象的行为实验和调查研究表明, 早期应激不仅会影响日常生活中情绪调节策略的使用, 还会对情绪调节能力造成影响, 其影响方向可能与早期应激的严重程度有关。目前, 大部分研究表明严重的早期应激会损伤情绪调节能力, 但中度的早期应激也可能提高情绪调节能力。更为整合性的研究表明情绪调节能力中介了早期应激和各类疾患之间的关系。进一步, 我们从神经层面上阐述了早期应激对情绪调节相关脑区和神经环路的影响。未来研究应当注意控制无关变量, 进一步探究不同早期应激对于情绪调节的影响。  相似文献   

情绪智力是影响人际关系的重要心理因素。情绪智力不仅包括对情绪的认知和表达能力,同时也包括对情绪的调节和控制能力。因此,重视开发情绪智力是建立良好人际关系的有效途径。  相似文献   


Increasing evidence suggests that regular physical activity can have considerable psychological, as well as physical, benefits in the elderly. Although factors such as exercise dosage may be implicated in exercise-induced affect responses, it has also been suggested that social and psychological factors might influence this relationship. This study examined the roles played by exercise environment (group versus alone) and self-efficacy in affective change in 80 older adults (M age = 66 yrs) over the course of three acute exercise bouts. Using latent growth curve methodology and statistically controlling for duration and intensity of exercise, we were able to demonstrate that social (group) environments resulted in statistically significant improvements in feeling state responses when contrasted with a condition in which the participants exercised alone. In addition, increases in self-efficacy were associated with more positive and less negative feeling states. Environmental factors that might influence the exercise-affect response are discussed and recommendations for subsequent exercise, efficacy, affect research made.  相似文献   

BackgroundA more positive affective valence during exercise is predictive of adherence to physical activity programs. This study examines the relationship between affective response during exercise and longer-term maintenance of physical activity among individuals using exercise video games (EVGs) and standard modalities of physical activity (i.e., walking, cycling).MethodsHealthy adults (mean age 45.4, SD = 14.5) were randomly assigned to a 12-week supervised, thrice weekly program of EVGs (n = 93) or Standard exercise (n = 96), and were assessed for affect immediately before, at the mid-point, and immediately after one exercise session per week. Participation in moderate-to-vigorous physical activity (MVPA) was conducted at end of treatment (EOT) and 6-month follow up.ResultsEVG participants reported more positive affective valence during exercise compared to Standard participants (b = 0.63, SE = 0.08, p < .001), and perceived less exertion (b = 0.52, SE = 0.36, p = .04) compared to Standard participants. For both groups, a more positive affective valence during exercise was significantly predictive of continued physical activity at 6-months (b = 6.64, SE = 2.50, p = .01). EVG participants also showed a significant chronic effect such that week-to-week there were improvements in affect prior to exercise and this effect was significantly associated with greater MPVA at EOT and follow-up (b = 21.96, SE = 10.10, p = .03 at EOT). Among Standard participants no significant chronic effect was seen over time.ConclusionsEVGs may provide an effective means of promoting more positive shifts in affective valence both during, and in anticipation of, physical activity that encourages longer-term participation.  相似文献   

Exercise-related affective changes are well documented across a variety of settings and populations. In addition to the stimulus properties of exercise itself, social environmental factors are thought to influence affective responses. One factor that may be associated with psychological responses to exercise is enjoyment. Individuals who enjoy exercise may exhibit more positive affective responses compared to those who enjoy exercise less. The purpose of this study was to examine whether exercise enjoyment was related to affective changes associated with an acute bout of exercise in a naturalistic setting. Study 1 used a categorical approach to assess affect and sampled college-aged female group fitness participants. Study 2 was based on a dimensional affect conceptualization and sampled corporate fitness participants. Across both studies, results revealed a significant decrease in negative affect and increase in positive affect following exercise. Enjoyment was positively related to increases in positive affect but unrelated to changes in negative affect.  相似文献   

BackgroundPrefrontal asymmetry (PFA) describes the relative activity of the right PFC compared to the left PFC. It has been shown that PFA is associated with affective and motivational variables in several contexts, including sport and exercise. Considering the significant roles of affect and motivation in different performance settings, PFA might also be an important indicator of athletic performance. However, the relevance of PFA in the sport and exercise setting has not yet been addressed in its entirety. Instead, previous systematic reviews have solely focused on affective variables. Mapping out the complex interactions between PFA and affective, motivational as well as performance variables could help to understand what determines successful athletic performance as well as the positive psychological effects associated with exercise.ApproachScientific databases were searched for quantitative studies in English language published in international peer-reviewed journals. All 27 selected studies assessed physical activity and measured PFA in the brain locations F4-F3 and/or F8-F7 using electroencephalography.FindingsThe majority of the studies used a non-athlete sample (78%) and exercise types were diverse. While all studies focused on affective or motivational processes, 19% also reported associations with performance. Even though findings are inconsistent, they support the assumption that PFA plays a role in self-regulation.ConclusionThere is evidence for an involvement of PFA in affective, motivational and performance processes in the sport and exercise setting that can be interpreted as regulatory mechanisms. Future research on the underlying mechanisms is warranted, in particular, associations with motivational processes and performance need to be investigated more explicitly.  相似文献   

Self-efficacy was experimentally manipulated in an exercise context, and its effect on affective responses was examined. College women (N = 46) were randomly assigned to a high- or low-efficacy condition, and efficacy expectations were manipulated by means of bogus feedback and graphs depicting contrived normative data. The manipulation successfully influenced affective responses, with participants in the high-efficacy group reporting more positive and less negative affect than did the low-efficacy group. Efficacy was significantly related to feeling-state responses during and after activity but only in the high-efficacy condition. The results suggest that self-efficacy can be manipulated and that these changes are related to the affective experience associated with exercise. Such findings may have important implications for the roles played by self-efficacy and affect in exercise adherence.  相似文献   

Although prescribed exercise has been found to improve affect and reduce levels of depression, we do not know how self-initiated everyday physical activity influences levels of positive affect (PA) and negative affect (NA) in depressed persons. Fifty-three individuals diagnosed with Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) and 53 never-depressed controls participated in a seven-day experience sampling study. Participants were prompted randomly eight times per day and answered questions about their physical activity and affective state. Over the week, the two groups of participants did not differ in average level of physical activity. As expected, participants with MDD reported lower average PA and higher average NA than did never-depressed controls. Both participants with MDD and controls reported higher levels of PA at prompts after physical activity than at prompts after inactive periods; moreover, for both groups of participants, PA increased from a prompt after an inactive period to a subsequent prompt at which activity was reported. Depressed participants in particular showed a dose-response effect of physical activity on affect: longer duration and/or higher intensity of physical activity increased their PA significantly more than did short duration and/or lower intensity physical activity. Physical activity did not influence NA in either group. In contrast to previous treatment studies that examined the effects of prescribed structured exercise, this investigation showed that self-initiated physical activity influences PA. These findings also underscore the importance of distinguishing between PA and NA to gain a more comprehensive understanding of the effects of physical activity on affect in MDD.  相似文献   

Individuals have affective associations with health behaviors. In other domains such associations have been shown to influence behavior, but affective associations with health behaviors are not included in current health decision-making models. The authors examined whether affective associations with exercise predicted individuals' activity behavior and, if so, how they interfaced with other decision-making constructs to influence behavior. Adult participants (N = 433) reported their current physical activity behavior and affective associations with physical activity. Health belief model and theory of planned behavior constructs were also assessed. More positive affective associations with activity significantly predicted greater activity behavior. Moreover, the influence of the health belief model and theory of planned behavior constructs on activity behavior was mediated through affective associations. Affective associations were shown to play a central role in individuals' activity behavior, both as a mediator of the effects of cognitively based decision-making factors and as an independent predictor of activity behavior. The results suggest the need to include affective influences on behavior in formal models of health decision making and, potentially, to explore affectively based intervention routes to change behaviors.  相似文献   

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