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王斌博士等著的《青少年领导力发展模式》是他所主持的国家社科基金的研究成果,从理论与实践相结合的角度,对青少年领导力及其发展规律做了系统深入的研究,他在书中阐述了青少年领导力及其发展模式的概念、内容以及相关研究的进展与方向,并通过科学、规范的实证研究,检验了不同模式对于不同时期青少年领导力发展的效果的差异.可以说,本书应该是国内同类研究中特别值得一读的理论著述. 在库泽斯与波斯纳所著的《领导力》一书中有一个鼓舞人心的观点--领导者不是天生的,领导力不再仅限于个别、少数领袖型人物所具有的能力,每个人身上都具有潜在的和现实的领导力,都能够得以发现和培养.这彻底颠覆了原有的领导观,领导力研究的对象开始逐渐扩大,不再局限于处于领导职位的领导者,而是包括有可能成为领导者的人群,为普通人的发展指明了方向.  相似文献   

教师领导力是指教师在课堂内外带领同事提升专业技能,与其他教师和校长合作处理学校事务的一种专业特质。为探究教师教学自主权与教师领导力的关系,以及教师心理授权和教学自主性的中介作用,从而寻求提升教师领导力的路径,研究选取403名中小学教师进行问卷调查。结果发现:(1)教学自主权与教师领导力呈显著正相关,且前者对后者有显著直接效应;(2)教师心理授权和教学自主性分别在教学自主权与教师领导力间发挥部分中介作用;(3)教师心理授权和教学自主性在教学自主权对教师领导力间发挥部分链式中介作用,即教学自主权的提高会促进教师心理授权和教学自主性的提升,进而促进教师领导力的发展。  相似文献   

作为“以下属为中心”的领导力理论,领导力的社会认同理论是社会心理学与领导力研究结合的代表.该理论采用社会认同解释领导力产生和发挥作用的过程,主要命题为:(1)群体成员通过社会认同选择有效的领导,具有高群体原型代表性的领导者最具有效性;(2)领导者可以通过塑造下属成员的社会认同来实施领导.除了以上内容外,还对该理论的实验证据及优缺点也进行了系统阐述,同时与其它领导力理论进行了整合,最后提出了未来研究的方向.  相似文献   

企业管理者责任领导力,作为一个刚刚兴起的研究话题,在西方已经引起广泛关注。本研究首次着眼于中国组织情境,对企业管理者责任领导力的维度结构进行了实证研究。通过两次问卷调查分别获得166个、233个有效样本,进行探索性因素与验证性因素分析,构建了包括诚信道德、社会责任意识、战略思维、沟通开放性、人性化关怀和卓越导向等六个维度的责任领导力六维结构模型,并验证了该结构模型的合理性与优越性。本研究进一步探究了企业管理者责任领导力的深刻内涵,继承与发展了中国传统领导理论,为我国责任领导力的研究开创了一个良好的开端。  相似文献   

本文以军队师团职政工领导干部为研究对象,通过问卷调查和定量分析,初步验证:军队政工领导干部的领导力主要有16个因素形成,他们构成二阶层次结构。领导特质可作为领导力形成因素的综合表达,主要可通过三个一阶因子——品德与价值观、关键领导能力、核心领导素质予以反映。同时,实证分析结果表明,领导者和非领导者对领导力形成因素的看法没有显著差别。  相似文献   

服务型领导力(Servant leadership)由Greenleaf于1970年提出,是领导理论中较新的一个分支。20世纪90年代,服务型领导力逐渐引起学者们的关注,开始对其进行精确定义并测量。目前学者们已经开发出多个测量量表,但对其影响因素和影响结果的探索才刚刚开始,实证研究还为数不多。本文对服务型领导力产生的背景、定义、测量方法、影响因素和影响结果做了系统回顾,在此基础上做出全面评价,并对未来发展方向及该理论在我国企业的应用前景做了初步探讨。  相似文献   

彭坚  刘毅  路红  刘映杰  吴伟炯 《心理科学进展》2014,22(11):1757-1769
情绪领导力是指领导者基于自身情绪能力, 通过情绪传染和策略运用来有效管理组织成员的正性和负性情绪, 充分发挥不同情绪的有利效价, 营造应景的组织情绪氛围, 带领组织成员为实现组织共同目标而奋斗。目前, 情绪领导力的测量主要是借用情绪智力量表, 缺乏标准化工具。情绪领导力的研究发展经历3个阶段:以领导情绪能力为中心、以领导情绪传染为中心和以情绪领导力为中心。基于各阶段研究梳理, 建构整合模型:遗传基因、人格和情绪特质对情绪领导力起预测作用, 大脑活动(右侧额叶)与情绪领导力互为因果关系。情绪领导力通过直接和间接两条路径对个体和组织层面的领导效能产生显著影响。未来研究应加强对概念、测量、调节机制、生物基础、组织层面议题和跨文化对比等方面进行探讨。  相似文献   

以湖北省396名中学生为被试,在探索性因素分析的基础上对Carter等人1980年编制的领导力技能问卷进行了初步的修订。结果表明:修订后的领导力技能问卷具有良好的内部一致性和稳定性,且验证性因素分析也表明各分量表的结构拟合良好,达到了心理测量学标准。可作为评估中国青少年领导力技能的有效且可靠的工具进行使用。  相似文献   

随着全球化发展的深入, 越来越多的企业领导者具有多元文化经历。多元文化经历是指个体具有直接或间接与外国文化元素或人群进行交互的经历。拟从领导者发展(leader development)和领导力发展(leadership development)两个层面, 全面地探讨多元文化经历对企业领导者能力形成及发展的影响:第一, 探讨多元文化经历对领导者能力发展(包括个人层面、关系层面和社会层面能力)的影响及内部机制; 第二, 探讨多元文化经历对领导力发展(包括领导力涌现、领导力选拔和领导力效能)的影响及内部机制。项目成果不仅能够丰富领导者能力形成与发展等组织管理相关理论, 还能为企业的全球化管理及国际化人才培养实践提供建议。  相似文献   

采用文献资料的研究方法,分析了中小学校长领导力的组成结构,指出中小学校长领导力的意义。即中小学校长领导力是时代发展的必然要求,是教育变革的必然要求,是学校发展的必然要求,是校长胜任的必然要求。  相似文献   

务凯 《心理科学进展》2014,22(2):314-322
领导研究历来是心理学、管理学、社会学、政治学等学科非常重视的课题, 领导对社会、组织、团队的发展也起着非常重要的作用。由于文化的差异, 西方和中国的领导理论有所不同, 在众多学者的不断努力下, 有关领导理论的本土化研究越来越丰富。回顾40多年来中国领导研究中最具自身文化特色的一个-- 德行领导理论, 从研究变迁与概念发展、结构测量、领导有效性等方面对其国内外研究现状进行了梳理和总结, 并在此基础上从存在原因、研究整合、中外比较、时代发展四个角度, 对以往德行领导研究作出反思, 对未来研究提出设想和展望。  相似文献   

Drawing on the componential model of creativity (Amabile), we examined how shared leadership and a formally appointed leader's transformational leadership jointly cultivate team creativity in two studies. We conducted an experiment with a sample of 109 undergraduate students (32 teams) enrolled in a business plan competition (Study 1) and a field survey based on multisource, time-lagged data collected from 251 full-time employees working on 64 research and development teams (Study 2). The results from both studies revealed that shared leadership enhanced team members’ individual creative self-efficacy and individual creativity, which in turn improved team creativity. Moreover, the results from Study 2 showed that a formally appointed leader's use of different transformational leadership behaviors had different impacts on individual and team creativity. Individual-focused transformational leadership strengthened the positive effect of shared leadership on team members’ average individual creativity, whereas group-focused transformational leadership facilitated the translation of teams with high average individual creativity into teams with high levels of team creativity. The theoretical and practical implications of the findings are discussed.  相似文献   

Paternalistic leadership (PL) is the prevalent leadership style in Chinese business organizations. With an approach similar to patriarchy, PL entails an evident and powerful authority that shows consideration for subordinates with moral leadership. Although PL is widespread in Chinese business organizations, very few studies have focused on this leadership style and those that have were simply conceptual analyses and not empirical studies. We sampled 543 subordinates from local businesses in Taiwan to investigate PL, Western transformational leadership, and subordinate responses to these two leadership styles. Our hypotheses were as follows: (1) PL has a significant and unique effect on subordinate responses compared to Western transformational leadership; (2) there exists an interaction between the three elements of PL (benevolence, morality, and authoritarianism) and subordinate responses; and (3) the authority orientation of a subordinate's traditionality has a moderating effect upon the relation between PL and subordinate responses. Statistical analyses generally supported these hypotheses. Directions for follow-up studies are offered and implications for leadership theory and practice are discussed.  相似文献   

作为本土领导研究的典范,郑伯埙团队研究的家长式领导理论对本土的理论构建与主位研究方法做出了重大贡献。然而,由于威权维度与德行和仁慈维度负相关、家长式领导这一构念与其三个维度之间的关系不明晰等问题的存在,该理论在发展中遇到了问题。目前,围绕家长式领导,出现了单维与多维并存、本土理论与外域理论竞争的多重格局。本文在对家长式领导的构念进行剖析后,总结了目前相关的实证研究,重点评析了该理论遇到的问题,并在此基础上从解决构念的内在矛盾、扩大研究层次及中西对比三个方面对未来的发展方向提出了建议。  相似文献   

The authors synthesized counseling leadership literature to identify themes of counseling leadership. Using an inductive approach to content analysis, the authors analyzed 11 empirical articles, 9 conceptual articles, and 13 leadership profiles. Results yielded 24 emergent leadership themes that were sorted into 3 groups. Findings pave the way for more comprehensive research on counseling leadership and allow for increased intentionality in teaching, training, and practicing counseling leadership.  相似文献   

领导领域中归因理论的研究述评   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
领导领域中的归因研究对于把握领导过程、组织绩效评估以及领导成员关系等问题均具有重要的理论与实际意义。文章回顾了自领导归因理论提出以后,领导归因领域中包括有关模型构建、验证与发展、内隐归因在内的相关研究;同时,对归因偏差、归因风格、领导成员关系、人格特质、领导类型、情绪、文化及相关人口学变量等因素与领导归因的关系研究进行了系统梳理;最后,分析、总结了该领域以往研究的不足及今后的研究趋势  相似文献   

The concept of employees’ commitment is one of the most challenging concepts in the management, organizational behaviour and human resource management literatures and research. The current study focuses on the construct of commitment as an emotional attitude, and expands the concept of general organizational commitment to a new more specific form of commitment, commitment to safety. Furthermore, commitment theorists commonly identify leadership as an important contributing factor to the development of organizational commitment. We aim to explain an underlying motivational mechanism, self-regulatory foci, through which leadership styles foster followers’ commitment. Results of three studies that used different methods (field and experimental), within different samples, demonstrated that transformational leadership was positively associated with followers’ promotion focus, which in turn was positively associated with both followers’ general and affective commitment to safety. Prevention focus mediated the positive relationship between a transactional active leadership style and both followers’ general and continuance commitment to safety. The implications of the findings for theory and practice are further discussed.  相似文献   

Despite numerous studies demonstrating that authoritarian leadership and benevolent leadership exert incompatible influence on an individual’s creativity, the combined effects of authoritarian leadership and benevolent leadership on an individual’s creativity and the related mechanisms have yet to be explained. This study tests a model that considers the combined effects of authoritarian and benevolent leadership on graduate student creativity in the universities in China, while also examining the mediating role of the intrinsic motivation of graduate students. Multisource data were collected from 297 graduate students in 60 university scientific research teams in China. The results show that when authoritarian leadership and benevolent leadership are in congruence, the intrinsic motivation of graduate students and their creativity increase as supervisor authoritarianism and benevolence increases. When authoritarian leadership and benevolent leadership are in discrepancy, the intrinsic motivation of graduate students is higher when low supervisor authoritarianism is combined with high benevolence; however, the findings also show that low authoritarian leadership combined with high benevolent leadership would not increase graduate student creativity. The relationship between authoritarian–benevolent leadership and graduate student creativity is partially mediated by intrinsic motivation. The theoretical and practical implications of the results are discussed.  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to examine whether and how laissez‐faire, transformational, and authentic leadership styles are related to the occurrence of bullying in work groups. It is hypothesized that the investigated leadership styles have direct associations, as well as indirect associations through group cohesion and safety perceptions, with indicators of bullying among subordinates. Using a cross‐sectional survey design, the variables were assessed in a randomly selected sample comprising 594 seafarers from two Norwegian shipping companies. Laissez‐faire leadership was associated with an increased risk of exposure to bullying behavior, self‐labeled victimization from bullying, and perpetrated bullying. Transformational leadership and authentic leadership were related to decreased risk of exposure to bullying behavior. Authentic leadership contributed to the variance in bullying beyond laissez‐faire and transformational leadership. Analyses of indirect effects showed that the association between transformational leadership and bullying was fully mediated through safety perceptions, whereas a partial indirect association through safety perceptions was found for authentic leadership. This study makes a significant contribution to the literature by providing evidence for how leadership styles predict workplace bullying. The findings highlight the importance of recruiting, developing, and training leaders who promote both positive psychological capacities and positive perceptions among their subordinates.  相似文献   

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