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已有研究表明,形状感知与抽象概念之间具有隐喻联结并能够影响个体的判断与决策。当前研究在此基础上提出,不同形状与人格的宜人性存在关联且能够影响个体决策。实验1采用内隐联想范式的变式探讨不同形状与宜人性词汇之间的联系,结果未发现长方形和圆形与宜人性词汇存在内隐联结。实验2采用内隐联想测验探讨圆润面孔与棱角面孔与宜人性词汇之间的联系,结果发现圆润面孔与宜人词、棱角面孔与非宜人词之间存在内隐联结。实验3进一步考察形状与宜人性词汇的联结对公平决策的影响,结果发现圆润面孔更易知觉为宜人,个体更容易接受其作出的不公平分配,而棱角面孔更易知觉为非宜人,个体更容易拒绝其作出的不公平分配; 并且,宜人性感知在面孔形状与被试的接受率之间起中介作用。研究结果表明,圆润形状面孔与宜人词、棱角形状面孔与非宜人词存在隐喻联结,且这一联结能够进一步影响个体公平决策。  相似文献   

杨晨  陈增祥 《心理学报》2019,51(7):841-856
数字的精确性(精确 vs.大概)会影响人们的各种心理与推断, 本文在已有研究的基础上提出数字精确性与形状之间存在关联。具体而言, 精确数字会更有可能被感知为多角, 而大概数字更可能被感知为圆润。实验1和2分别通过内隐联想测试和消费情境确认这一效应的存在, 实验3进一步探讨了流畅性感知对上述匹配效应影响消费者产品评价的中介作用, 实验4则通过反转数字的性别象征意义, 提出了匹配效应的边界条件:当人们头脑中形成“精确=女性、大概=男性”的联系时, 会产生精确数字-圆润形状和大概数字-多角形状的匹配关系。这些结果说明了数字信息与形状信息之间存在认知关联, 它对理解个体如何加工数字信息、形状信息以及企业如何利用这些信息提供了一定的启发意义。  相似文献   

消费者自我构念、独特性需求与品牌标识形状偏好   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
市场上品牌标识形状各具形态,它们已成为吸引消费者眼球的重要品牌要素,如何设计出科学实效的品牌标识形状已成为营销策略中基础而又关键的内容。什么形状的品牌标识更能获得目标群体的偏爱?本文从自我构念的水平视角出发,推论认为不同自我构念的个体在"独特性需求"上具有显著差异,由此形成对多角和圆润的品牌标识形状的偏好差异,独特性需求在自我构念与品牌标识形状偏好之间起中介作用。文章通过4个实验,一致证实独立型自我构念的消费者独特性需求更高,偏爱多角的品牌标识;相依型自我构念的消费者,独特性需求更低,偏爱圆润的品牌标识。但上述效应只存在于公开产品购买情境,当消费者购买和使用私人产品时,无论个体的自我构念是独立型还是相依型,他们对品牌标识多角与圆润的偏好没有显著差异。本文推进了自我构念、独特性需求、品牌标识形状等领域的理论研究,为企业在设计、调整品牌标识形状及制定配套营销策略方面提供了丰富的战略启示。  相似文献   

越来越多企业在设计和生产产品时,将产品进行透明化处理。本文探讨了产品透明性对消费者品牌感知的影响。通过5个实验,本研究发现:透明性设计会使消费者产生更强的品牌创新性感知,而非透明性设计会使消费者产生更强的品牌可靠性感知;在上述过程中,趣味性和厚重感分别起着中介作用。本文还发现了上述路径的边界条件。对于非典型产品(相对于典型产品),透明性对品牌创新性感知的效应消失;对于轻质诉求产品(相对于控制组),透明性对品牌可靠性感知的影响消失。最后,本文还发现促进定向个体更偏好透明设计的品牌,预防定向个体更偏好非透明设计的品牌。本文对企业产品外观的选择和品牌策略的打造具有重要指导意义。  相似文献   

本文基于联结主义模型,探讨了依恋对领导者内隐追随特征(IFTs)的影响以及性别的调节作用。采用问卷法,对323名不同行业的领导者进行调研,结果发现:(1)依恋对IFTs有显著的预测作用;(2)不同依恋类型的领导者对员工的特征偏好存在差异,安全型青睐勤奋热情的员工,焦虑型偏好从众鲁钝的员工,回避型欣赏高效执行的员工;(3)性别在依恋与IFTs的关系中起调节作用,女性领导者对员工的消极期待更容易受依恋焦虑性影响。  相似文献   

形状偏好是指儿童语言发展过程中倾向于认为相同形状的物体拥有相同名称的现象。已有研究采用词汇拓展、分类和归纳推理等任务发现, 2~3岁甚至更早的幼儿就已经表现出形状偏好, 且表现受刺激物的属性、创造者的意图和功能及因果/比较关系等因素影响。然而, 形状偏好现象存在着联结观和概念观两种不同的解释。未来的研究应该采用认知神经科学的方法, 并结合发展中的其它问题, 从特殊被试和跨文化的角度来探讨这一现象的神经机制。  相似文献   

已有研究发现品质/外貌自我评价与外显自尊密切相关且受性别的调节,而内隐品质/外貌自我概念是否与内隐自尊相关以及其中的性别差异尚不明确。本研究采用多因素特质内隐联想测验(MFT-IAT)及内隐联想测验(IAT)测量被试的内隐品质/外貌自我概念以及内隐自尊,结果发现在内隐自我概念里,男性将品质与自我联系更紧密而女性将外貌与自我联结更紧密;内隐品质/外貌自我概念对内隐自尊的预测作用受性别的调节,在男性中内隐积极品质与自我联结越紧密其内隐自尊水平越高,而女性中内隐积极外貌与自我联结越紧密其内隐自尊水平越高。  相似文献   

宋宜琪  张积家 《心理学报》2014,46(2):216-226
通过2个实验, 考察了空间隐喻和形状变化对物体内隐时间概念加工的影响。实验1通过对隐含时间关系的词对的语义相关判断发现, 形状变化物体隐含的“先前/后来”的时间概念与“左/右”的空间概念存在着对应关系, 断裂式变化(形状变化大)的物体比渐进式变化(形状变化小)的物体激发了更加明显的时间变化感, 但物体形状变化类型并未明显地影响对词对语义相关判断的速度和准确性。实验2通过对隐含时间关系的物体图片对的语义相关判断发现, 物体形状变化隐含的“先前/后来”的时间概念与“左/右”的空间概念亦存在着对应关系, 而且物体形状变化类型影响对物体图片对语义相关判断的速度和准确性, 被试对渐进式变化物体的语义相关判断显著快于对断裂式变化物体的语义相关判断, 错误率亦低。整个研究表明, 在物体形状变化内隐时间概念的表征中, 既存在着抽象的符号表征, 又存在着具体的形状知觉表征。研究结果支持概念双加工理论的预言。  相似文献   

食物在社会生活中发挥着重要作用, 具有性别文化意义。两个研究分别探索了外显与内隐食物性别刻板印象的存在及其对人物评价的影响。研究1采用提名法、自我报告法和语义启动范式检验外显和内隐食物性别刻板印象的存在, 结果表明被试均持“男性偏好男性化食物, 女性偏好女性化食物”的外显食物性别刻板印象, 女性被试持有内隐食物性别刻板印象。研究2采用情境实验法和内隐关系评估程序进一步测量被试对食物性别刻板不一致目标人物在热情和能力维度上的评价, 结果发现人们对食物性别刻板不一致男性在热情维度的内隐评价更加积极。  相似文献   

分别运用外显的描述性范式和内隐联结测验两种方法对决策的比率偏好及其特性进行了考察,结果表明:(1)外显决策受到效价类型的影响,负效价情景下的比率偏好现象明显降低;(2)被试存在内隐比率偏好效应,这种偏好影响着被试对决策的认知和解释,具有一定的稳定性;(3)运用内隐联结测验来测量内隐比率偏好是有效、敏感的。(4)外显比率偏好与内隐比率偏好涉及决策的不同结构。  相似文献   

This article examines the professional valorisation of gender-typed traits. In the study, participants should assess masculine, feminine and androgynous profiles in a set of professional contexts obtained by the crossing of social status (high versus low), gender (masculine versus feminine) and sector (production versus maintenance) of occupations. Consistent with a gender- typed trait matching model, the results showed that masculine profiles were the most valued ones in the most masculine occupations, feminine profiles were mostly valued in the most feminine occupations while androgynous profiles were the most valued in gender ambiguous occupations. Of particular interest was the fact that the perception of occupations’ gender was a function of the interaction between the gender and the sector of occupations (i.e.: the most masculine occupations were those that were stereotypically masculine and belonging to the production sector; the most feminine were those that were stereotypically feminine and belonging to the maintenance sector; the stereotypically masculine and maintenance occupations as the stereotypically feminine and production occupations were perceived as less gender typed).  相似文献   

With three studies, we investigated whether motivational states can modulate the formation of implicit preferences. In Study 1, participants played a video game in which they repeatedly approached one of two similar beverages, while disregarding the other. A subsequent implicit preference for the target beverage emerged, which increased with participants’ thirst. In Study 2, participants approached one brand of potato chips while avoiding the other: Conceptually replicating the moderation observed in Study 1, the implicit preference for the approached brand increased with the number of hours from last food intake. In Study 3, we experimentally manipulated hunger, and the moderation effect emerged again, with hungry participants displaying a higher implicit preference for the approached brand, as compared to satiated participants. In the three studies, the moderation effect was not paralleled in explicit preferences although the latter were affected by the preference inducing manipulation. Theoretical implications and open questions are discussed.  相似文献   

基于善良特质在中国人人格修养中的重要价值, 本研究以情绪调节的行动控制理论为模型参照, 设计了三项行为实验检验善良特质的导向性与内隐情绪调节的关系。研究1采用Stroop任务, 比较高低善良被试判断人际关系词颜色时是否受到色词内容的干扰, 结果发现, 高(vs.低)善良被试对人际关系积极词更敏感; 研究2采用情绪调节内隐联想测验任务比较高低善良被试的情绪调节内隐态度差异, 结果发现高(vs.低)善良被试更倾向于采用控制型情绪调节方式调节情绪; 研究3在诱发被试负性情绪条件下, 采用面孔表情视觉搜索任务间接考察高低善良被试在内隐情绪修复效果上的差异, 结果显示高(vs.低)善良被试搜索愤怒背景下高兴面孔的速度更快。三项实验结果一致地表明, 高善良特质利他重感情的行动目的性在情绪调节的行动控制中具有内隐优势, 对积极的心理健康起促进作用。  相似文献   

Two eye-tracking experiments investigated the effects of masculine versus feminine grammatical gender on the processing of role nouns and on establishing coreference relations. Participants read sentences with the basic structure My <kinship term> is a <role noun> <prepositional phrase > such as My brother is a singer in a band. Role nouns were either masculine or feminine. Kinship terms were lexically male or female and in this way specified referent gender, i.e., the sex of the person referred to. Experiment 1 tested a fully crossed design including items with an incorrect combination of lexically male kinship term and feminine role name. Experiment 2 tested only correct combinations of grammatical and lexical/referential gender to control for possible effects of the incorrect items of Experiment 1. In early stages of processing, feminine role nouns, but not masculine ones, were fixated longer when grammatical and referential gender were contradictory (Bruder maleSängerin fem/brother–[female] singer). In later stages of sentence wrap-up there were longer fixations for sentences with masculine than for those with feminine role nouns. Results of both experiments indicate that, for feminine role nouns, cues to referent gender are integrated immediately, whereas a late integration obtains for masculine forms.  相似文献   


In psychometric mental-rotation tests, males mostly outperform females. The stimulus material and stereotype beliefs could partly be responsible for these differences. This was investigated in an experimental study administering traditional cube figures (C-MRT) and structurally similar pellet figures (P-MRT) to middle- and high-school aged children. 168 participants either solved the C-MRT or the P-MRT and filled out a questionnaire about their perceived ability of stereotypically masculine and feminine activities and about their gender stereotype beliefs. Overall, boys outperformed girls and all children who solved the C-MRT were better than those who solved the P-MRT. Only boys' mental-rotation performance increased with age while girls' perceived ability of stereotypically masculine activities decreased. A regression analysis identified children’s gender, their perceived ability of stereotypically masculine activities and their female gender stereotype beliefs as predictors of mental-rotation performance. Results are discussed with a focus on stereotype threat effects and gender differences in mental-rotation strategies.  相似文献   

Chingching Chang 《Sex roles》2006,55(5-6):345-356
The accessibility of self-rated masculinity and femininity is proposed to vary as a function of individual differences, product types, and affective states. In turn, enhanced accessibility of masculinity or femininity should increase the influence of masculine or feminine ad-self congruency on advertisement evaluations. Results of two experiments showed that, for individuals whose masculinity or femininity was chronically accessible, congruency between ad portrayals and self-ratings on these dimensions predicted more positive attitudes toward the advertisement. Moreover, product types and affective states altered the degree of influence that masculine or feminine ad-self congruency exerted on advertisement evaluations. Finally, individuals high in masculinity were found to rely more on product function beliefs when evaluating advertised brands.  相似文献   

Children ages 6, 8 and 10 (N = 66) distributed resources to a boy and a girl when the proportion of feminine and masculine resources varied, when the preferences of the boy and the girl varied, and when the setting was public or private. Children used gender norms to sort the resources but they primarily sorted the resources equally, even when it required violating gender norms. When there was an atypical preference, participants provided more atypical resources to the children. However, when the setting was public, they provided fewer atypical resources. Overall the results indicate that gender norms are especially strong in public settings but explicit information about preferences can lead children to be flexible about gender norms.  相似文献   

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