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通过哲学思辨质疑肿瘤是异己的判断.列举肿瘤的特征,探索肿瘤的实质.通过对限铁机制和铁致癌机理的研究,对铁致癌以及铁是癌细胞营养素的假设提出质疑.经过辩证思考推断,肿瘤是对坏血酸遗传缺陷的代偿性补救措施,是限铁机制的体现,是进化适应的特征,它的功能是聚集游离铁,不让细菌获得铁,以降低细菌感染的风险.同时提供证据,证明肿瘤确有降低细菌感染风险的功效.继而提出细胞癌变的可能机理,并据此解释肿瘤何以转移,何以避免免疫摧毁.最后提出对肿瘤发病机制的定义,并提出预防肿瘤的关键措施.  相似文献   

本文追溯人类对月经的认识的演变,同时记录避孕药物的历史沿革,并分析其利弊。虽然通过药物方法减少甚至停止月经的安全性和伦理尚存争议,随着科技的进步和人们观念的改变,更多的女性仍会选择控制月经,来为其带来更健康、便捷的生活。“我的月经我做主”会成为未来女性的生活方式。  相似文献   

铁过度负荷与疾病   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
铁是机体微量元素中含量最多的一种,是血红蛋白、肌红蛋白、细胞色素系统、呼吸链的主要复合物、过氧物酶和过氧化氢酶等的重要组成部分,广泛参与机体生理功能和生化反应,缺铁可导致贫血等疾病。体内铁过多,称为铁过度负荷。随着医疗条件改善、生活水平提高,源于生理性因素、病理性因素和外源性铁剂应用(治疗性应用、预防性应用),铁过度负荷相关疾病日益增多。铁过度负荷可对内分泌代谢、心血管、神经系统、肾脏、肝脏等系统器官产生损害,导致多种疾病或使疾病加重。目前铁过度负荷相关疾病的治疗措施主要有放血疗法和药物治疗。放血疗法,只可作于短期治疗。去铁胺作为目前较为有效的去铁剂,由于价格昂贵,不能广泛应用于临床。铁过度负荷对人体的影响和相关疾病尚未外起医学界的重视。深入研究以铁过度负荷为主要和次要病因相关疾病,探索正确补铁措施,是预防铁过度负荷相关疾病、增进人体健康的重要措施,也是临床面临床的新课题。  相似文献   

铁是机体微量元素中含量最多的一种,是血红蛋白、肌红蛋白、细胞色素系统、呼吸链的主要复合物、过氧物酶和过氧化氢酶等的重要组成部分,广泛参与机体生理功能和生化反应,缺铁可导致贫血等疾病.体内铁过多,称为铁过度负荷.随着医疗条件改善、生活水平提高,源于生理性因素、病理性因素和外源性铁剂应用(治疗性应用、预防性应用),铁过度负荷相关疾病日益增多.铁过度负荷可对内分泌代谢、心血管、神经系统、肾脏、肝脏等系统器官产生损害,导致多种疾病或使疾病加重.目前铁过度负荷相关疾病的治疗措施主要有放血疗法和药物治疗.放血疗法,只可作于短期治疗.去铁胺作为目前较为有效的去铁剂,由于价格昂贵,不能广泛应用于临床.铁过度负荷对人体的影响和相关疾病尚未外起医学界的重视.深入研究以铁过度负荷为主要和次要病因相关疾病,探索正确补铁措施,是预防铁过度负荷相关疾病、增进人体健康的重要措施,也是临床面临床的新课题.  相似文献   

月经周期对女性知觉性侵犯遭遇的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
女性在排卵期遭遇强奸或其它形式的性侵犯可能会受到较大伤害。进化历史中女性遭遇性侵犯的危险不断重现使现代社会女性在排卵期对男性性侵犯的线索较为敏感。本研究旨在探讨女性被试观看男性试图吸引其它女性的录像后如何评价每位男性性侵犯的可能性。研究发现接近排卵期的女性比不处于排卵期的女性更可能认为男性会进行性侵犯。这些发现显示,女性具有特定的知觉进化机制来警惕性侵犯,这种特定的进化机制可能受到月经变化的调节  相似文献   

吴宝沛  吴静  张雷  李璐 《心理科学进展》2014,22(12):1953-1963
本文对择偶与人类嗓音之间的关系进行了深入分析。首先, 人类具有普遍的异性嗓音偏好:男性偏爱高音调的女性嗓音, 女性偏爱低音调的男性嗓音, 这种普遍偏好受到一系列跟自身婚配价值有关的因素的调节。其次, 人类的嗓音偏好跟嗓音背后的进化意义密切关联:女性化嗓音是女性生育力的线索, 而男性化嗓音是男性好基因和好资源的线索。而且, 富有吸引力的男性嗓音和女性嗓音能够预测个体的性行为和繁殖成功。再次, 富有有吸引力的人类嗓音影响个体的社会认知, 对亲密关系的维系也会带来消极影响。最后, 我们探讨了未来研究的若干方向:研究基频之外的其他嗓音参数, 探讨嗓音偏好的性选择机制、特殊群体的嗓音偏好, 以及嗓音偏好与其他认知过程的关系。  相似文献   

卵巢激素影响女性恐惧情绪加工的神经机制   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
大脑结构和功能的性别差异导致恐惧情绪加工的两性差别。女性对恐惧情绪加工受到体内雌激素和孕激素浓度的影响。近年来, 人类脑成像技术、遗传学和分子生物学的综合研究发现了卵巢激素影响女性恐惧情绪加工的神经机制。其中, 雌激素水平升高导致杏仁核活动增强, 使女性对恐惧面孔识别的准确性增加, 而孕激素水平则相反。这与女性在月经周期不同阶段对社会交往的需求和妊娠期间的自我保护机制有关。  相似文献   

一把打铁的铁锤铁锤打过无数的铁,打造过无数的刀,可打出的刀几乎都是次品和残品。每每出了次品和残品,铁锤总是把责任推给别人,要么怪打铁师傅的技艺太差,要么怪打刀的铁质地不行,要么怪火炉的火候不够。  相似文献   

压力应对的性别差异及相关的生物学机制   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
人类对压力的反应不管是在生理上还是在行为上均是以“争斗或逃避”为特征的。然而,男女在行为反应的方式上则有不同,成年女性对后代的关爱及哺育行为,可以保证自己和后代的安全,减少困扰;并在形成和维系社交网的过程中起着辅助作用。关爱与协助方式的内在生物行为学核心机制在于催产素、内啡呔及性激素的调节。这一机制能够解释早期未能解决的压力调节系统,并为以后的压力研究提供了广阔的前景。  相似文献   

谈到“性别”,人们自然会想到在人类为男性与女性,在动物与植物界为雄性与雌性,这是一般的自然规律。其实也有例外,在动植物界也有雌雄同体,在人类有真两性畸形(实质为雌雄同体),此外还有“假男性”,即女性假两性畸形;“假女性”,即男性假两性畸形;还有极为罕见的“无性人”(先天性生殖腺不发育者)与“变性人”。  相似文献   

This paper discusses the experience of working as an analyst in post-totalitarian Russia in order to explore some of the general theoretical and clinical issues involved in working in a different cultural and linguistic context, and the particular problems encountered in the Russian cultural context. It describes how the Soviet regime worked actively to create a new totally collective mentality through the destruction of individual differences and the collectivization of private space, and the effects this produced in the individual and collective psyche. It examines the difficulties encountered when working with Russian analysands in creating and maintaining the setting, in preserving boundaries, in creating analytical space, and in working with certain particular transference-countertransference dynamics. It focuses on the contrast between my own Western experience of space and the spatial experience of the analysands, and describes the process of helping them use analytical space to interiorize and create a new experience of psychic space. The paper uses dreams to illustrate some of these dynamics, and the particular psychic problems associated with the traumas created by totalitarian regimes.  相似文献   

卢江良 《法音》2021,(2):29-32
在浙江省湖州市繁华的主城区,有一座建于南朝梁天监年间的寺院,那里供奉着一尊北宋乾兴初铸造的铁观音菩萨立像。据说,她是我国现存最早的观音变女相菩萨像,其容貌具有唐宋时期太湖流域女性的特征,故被我国学者誉为"东方维纳斯"。因此,这座千年古刹,也被视为观音中国化的典范。它,就是湖州铁佛寺。  相似文献   

A study of distance estimations between German cities investigated the organization of mental maps and their specific deviations from reality. Potential factors for the deviation of mental maps from reality are physical barriers, emotional involvement, and semantic unity. Distance estimations between cities situated in different former parts of Germany (East or West) were systematically overestimated compared to distances of cities located in the same parts of Germany. This trend was strengthened when participants had a negative attitude toward the reunification of Germany. The impact of these results is far reaching, because overestimated distances between both German parts indicate that there still exists a mental gap between East and West—even in young people—15 years after the German reunification.  相似文献   


The present article introduces the special issue on identity in the former Soviet bloc countries. We begin by discussing identity as a developmental task, as well as the social-contextual forces that direct and constrain the ways in which individual people construct their identities. We then articulate some specific challenges inherent in identity development within contexts characterized by social change – primarily the fact that the available identity alternatives, and the ways in which individuals are expected to go about choosing from among these alternatives, are likely changing rapidly. We frame Erikson’s original work as having been grounded in times of rapid social change in the post-World War II United States, and describe the direct relevance of Erikson’s work for the study of more contemporary instances of sociopolitical change. We then introduce and summarize the articles included in the special issue.  相似文献   

The straw man fallacy consists in inappropriately constructing or selecting weak (or comparatively weaker) versions of the opposition’s arguments. We will survey the three forms of straw men recognized in the literature, the straw, weak, and hollow man. We will then make the case that there are examples of inappropriately reconstructing stronger versions of the opposition’s arguments. Such cases we will call iron man fallacies. The difference between appropriate and inappropriate iron manning clarifies the limits of the virtue of open-mindedness.  相似文献   

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