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糖尿病易导致严重的慢性并发症,已成为影响人们生活质量的一种常见疾病。早期应用胰岛素是使2型糖尿病患者血糖得到良好控制、减少并发症发生的有效手段。但许多患者不愿接受或延迟胰岛素治疗。本文旨在探讨胰岛素应用过程中患者及医护人员存在的心理障碍,即心理性胰岛素抵抗,并进一步阐述其应对策略。  相似文献   

心理性胰岛素抵抗及应对策略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
糖尿病易导致严重的慢性并发症,已成为影响人们生活质量的一种常见疾病.早期应用胰岛素是使2型糖尿病患者血糖得到良好控制、减少并发症发生的有效手段.但许多患者不愿接受或延迟胰岛素治疗.本文旨在探讨胰岛素应用过程中患者及医护人员存在的心理障碍,即心理性胰岛素抵抗,并进一步阐述其应对策略.  相似文献   

调查二级甲等医院门诊2型糖尿病患者知识水平并探讨不同治疗方法患者的知识水平情况.根据"不平衡指数最小的原则",选取唐山市某二级甲等医院门诊就诊的糖尿病患者,并按治疗方式分为应用胰岛素组和单纯口服降糖药物组,每组90 例.采用统一调查量表进行调查.应用胰岛素组在低血糖处理、足部护理、慢性并发症的认识方面优于口服降糖药物组(P<0.05).口服降糖药物组在糖化血红蛋白作用、体育锻炼认识上好于应用胰岛素组(P<0.05).二级甲等医院门诊糖尿病患者糖尿病知识水平较差,不同治疗方式患者知识水平不同.因此,今后应对不同治疗方式的门诊糖尿病患者进行有针对性的干预,加强糖尿病知识健康教育,提高患者的自我管理知识水平,延缓和控制并发症的发生.  相似文献   

淡化糖尿病的分型为我们提供了一个全新的思维空间。即传统的1型和至少部分2型糖尿病可能都是一种自身免疫性疾病,而目前流行的炎症学说可能是对认可免疫损伤是糖尿病发病理论的一个过渡,我们应该重新审视糖尿病的早期治疗和研究其慢性并发症的发病机理。我们则采用小别量、长时间的治疗理念,早期接受这种免疫治疗的患者出现低血糖的症状,遂减少胰岛素的剂量;再次出现低血糖,我们就继续减少胰岛素的剂量。结果,有部分患者完全摆脱了胰岛素。我们对糖尿病的再认识是建立在对多脏器活检的基础之上。我们的活检结果表明,糖尿病肾病存在着免疫损伤。糖尿病眼底病变是使患者致盲的主要病因,糖尿病患者的眼底病变是一种自身免疫损伤的结果。我们尝试用小剂量的免疫抑制剂环孢菌素A(25mgbid)治疗糖尿病眼底出血,取得了不错的疗效,也证实糖尿病眼底病变是一种血管炎,与自身免疫病变有关。其他的器官还包括垂体、大脑的血管、糖尿病足、冠心病、皮肤的病变和肌肉活检的免疫组化也均有证据表明,免疫损伤是导致多种慢性并发症的罪魁祸首,是一种多器官免疫损伤的结果无论是1型糖尿病,还是2型糖尿病,肌细胞表面或多或少均有免疫复合物沉积。这些免疫复合物的存在势必会影响胰岛素与肌肉细胞表面的胰岛素受体结合,即胰岛素抵抗的存在。为此,我们在临床上广泛采用了免疫抑制治疗的理念治疗糖尿病。应用小剂量胰岛素和小剂量环孢素A治疗早期发现的糖尿病取得了不错的疗效。唯一担心的副作用发生在肝脏,即部分糖尿病患者会出现总胆红素升高,而也有一部分患者总胆红素不升高。  相似文献   

淡化糖尿病的分型为我们提供了一个全新的思维空间.即传统的1型和至少部分2型糖尿病可能都是一种自身免疫性疾病,而目前流行的炎症学说可能是对认可免疫损伤是糖尿病发病理论的一个过渡,我们应该重新审视糖尿病的早期治疗和研究其慢性并发症的发病机理.我们则采用小剂量、长时间的治疗理念,早期接受这种免疫治疗的患者出现低血糖的症状,遂减少胰岛素的剂量;再次出现低血糖,我们就继续减少胰岛素的荆量.结果,有部分患者完全摆脱了胰岛素.我们对糖尿病的再认识是建立在对多脏器活检的基础之上.我们的活检结果表明,糖尿病肾病存在着免疫损伤.糖尿病眼底病变是使患者致盲的主要病因,糖尿病患者的眼底病变是一种自身免疫损伤的结果.我们尝试用小剂量的免疫抑制剂环孢茵素A(25 mg bid)治疗糖尿病眼底出血,取得了不错的疗效,也证实糖屎病眼底病变是一种血管炎,与自身免疫痛变有关.其他的器官还包括垂体、大脑的血管、糖尿痛足、冠心痛、皮肤的病变和肌肉活检的免疫组化也均有证据表明,免疫损伤是导致多种慢性并发症的罪魁祸首,是一种多器官免疫损伤的结果无论是1型糖尿痛,还是2型糖尿病,肌细胞表面或多或少均有免疫复合物沉积.这些免疫复合物的存在势必会影响胰岛素与肌肉细胞表面的胰岛素受体结合,即胰岛素抵抗的存在.为此,我们在临床上广泛采用了免疫抑制治疗的理念治疗糖尿病.应用小剂量胰岛素和小剂量环孢素A治疗早期发现的糖尿病取得了不错的疗效.唯一担心的副作用发生在肝脏,即部分糖尿病患者会出现总胆红索升高,而也有一部分患者总胆红素不升高.  相似文献   

2型糖尿病患者焦虑抑郁状况及影响因素研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
为探讨2型糖尿病患者焦虑、抑郁状况及影响因素,对243例患者使用SAS、SDS、DSQL量表进行横断面调查。结果显示SAS、SDS评分均高于国内常模;多元回归分析显示有并发症、文化程度低的患者更易出现焦虑情绪,并发症出现时更易出现抑郁情绪。提示糖尿病患者普遍存在焦虑、抑郁等负性情绪,因此对医护人员要进行规范系统的心理干预培训,特别对病程10年、有并发症、文化程度较低的患者更要进行一对一的心理健康教育指导。  相似文献   

社会及心理因素对胰岛素应用的影响新疆石河子医学院第一附属医院内科(832008)常向云目前,国际上推崇生物、心理、社会整体论和多因素综合观点解释糖尿病,并提出糖尿病是一种心身疾病。本文主要从社会心理因素对胰岛素应用的影响加以论述。第一,从糖尿病患者来...  相似文献   

为探讨2型糖尿病患者焦虑、抑郁状况及影响因素,对243例患者使用SAS、SDS、DSQL量表进行横断面调查.结果显示SAS、SDS评分均高于国内常模;多元回归分析显示有并发症、文化程度低的患者更易出现焦虑情绪,并发症出现时更易出现抑郁情绪.提示糖尿病患者普遍存在焦虑、抑郁等负性情绪,因此对医护人员要进行规范系统的心理干预培训,特别对病程>10年、有并发症、文化程度较低的患者更要进行一对一的心理健康教育指导.  相似文献   

脂肪细胞因子与2型糖尿病并发症关系密切,随着对胰岛素抵抗(IRS)在2型糖尿病作用的认识,脂肪细胞因子的提出,使2型糖尿病并发症防治观念发生了根本的转变,提出了2型糖尿病并发症关防治新策略:从以降糖治疗为主到全面综合防治。对脂肪细胞因子和脂肪细胞因子与2型糖尿病并发症的关系的认识,体现了循证医学的思想和创新思维的启动。  相似文献   

脂肪细胞因子与2型糖尿病并发症关系密切,随着对胰岛素抵抗(IRS)在2型糖尿病作用的认识,脂肪细胞因子的提出,使2型糖尿病并发症防治观念发生了根本的转变,提出了2型糖尿病并发症关防治新策略:从以降糖治疗为主到全面综合防治.对脂肪细胞因子和脂肪细胞因子与2型糖尿病并发症的关系的认识,体现了循证医学的思想和创新思维的启动.  相似文献   

The article reviews research on the problem of interrelationship between different physical and psychosocial factors in type 1 diabetes mellitus (DM1). The authors consider methodological principles of health-related quality of life (HRQoL) assessment in DM1 patients and stress the need for an integrated biopsychosocial approach to the management of the disease. DM1 is a chronic metabolic disease with an absolute requirement for insulin replacement therapy. The stress-inducing nature of DM1 is associated with its unexpected and dramatic manifestation in juvenile years, life-threatening nature of severe hypo-/hyperglycaemias and long-term complications, with the burden of diabetes self-management, threat of work disability, employment and career problems etc. These features of DM1 increase the likelihood of the development of anxiety and depressive disorders, which, in turn, may negatively influence the course of diabetes and in particular, diabetes self-care. This necessitates early diagnosis of emotional and behavioral disturbances in DM1 using self-report instruments as well as clinical assessment. Evidence suggests that active problem-focused coping behavior and adequate social support promote adherence to diabetes regimes and may act as a buffer against negative effects of the disease on HRQoL in DM1 patients. The core element in the HRQoL structure is personal disease picture (as opposed by objective clinical picture)--the cognitive-affective-behavioral complex reflecting the patient's personal perception of the disease. Examination of the personal disease picture and attitude towards the ailment in DM1 patients may help to improve understanding of the mechanisms of poor adjustment. Problems in disease adjustment can be detected also by diabetes-specific HRQoL assessment. The measures of HRQoL can be applied as screening instruments useful in increasing the effectiveness of patient-provider interactions and diabetes care.  相似文献   

西藏老年2型糖尿病患者有着知晓率低、病程长、慢性并发症多、其他相关疾病多等特点。加强糖尿病教育、控制饮食、合理用药、注意相关疾病的处理和个体化治疗是血糖管理的有效方案。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The goal of this study was to examine the impact of episodic stress and chronic interpersonal stress on indices of HPA regulation. To explore the potential downstream consequences of altered HPA dynamics, the authors also assessed indicators of metabolic control and systemic inflammation. DESIGN: One hundred four medically healthy women between the ages of 15 and 19 participated. Following an in-depth interview of life stress, a sample of blood was drawn through antecubital venipuncture. Over the course of the next 2 days, participants gathered salivary cortisol samples. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Cortisol morning response, cortisol daily output, glucocorticoid receptor (GR) mRNA, C-reactive protein (CRP), insulin, and glucose. RESULTS: The simple presence of episodic stress or chronic interpersonal stress was not reliably associated with cortisol output, GR mRNA, insulin, or glucose. When women were exposed to an episodic stressor in the midst of chronic stress they showed increased cortisol output and reduced expression of GR mRNA. By contrast, when women had low levels of chronic stress, episodic events were associated with decreased cortisol output and increased GR mRNA. Episodic and chronic stress also interacted to predict CRP, but not insulin or glucose. CONCLUSIONS: The impact of episodic stress is accentuated in the midst of chronic interpersonal stress and diminished in its absence. Simultaneous exposure to episodic and chronic stress may create wear and tear on the body, whereas exposure to episodic stress in the context of a supportive environment may toughen the body, protecting it against subsequent stressors.  相似文献   

The left ventricular assist device was originally designed to be surgically implanted as a bridge to transplantation for patients with chronic end-stage heart failure. On the basis of the REMATCH trial, the US Food and Drug Administration and the US Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services approved permanent implantation of the left ventricular assist device as a destination therapy in Medicare beneficiaries who are not candidates for heart transplantation. The use of the left ventricular assist device as a destination therapy raises certain ethical challenges. Left ventricular assist devices can prolong the survival of average recipients compared with optimal medical management of chronic end-stage heart failure. However, the overall quality of life can be adversely affected in some recipients because of serious infections, neurologic complications, and device malfunction. Left ventricular assist devices alter end-of-life trajectories. The caregivers of recipients may experience significant burden (e.g., poor physical health, depression, anxiety, and posttraumatic stress disorder) from destination therapy with left ventricular assist devices. There are also social and financial ramifications for recipients and their families. We advocate early utilization of a palliative care approach and outline prerequisite conditions so that consenting for the use of a left ventricular assist device as a destination therapy is a well informed process. These conditions include: (1) direct participation of a multidisciplinary care team, including palliative care specialists, (2) a concise plan of care for anticipated device-related complications, (3) careful surveillance and counseling for caregiver burden, (4) advance-care planning for anticipated end-of-life trajectories and timing of device deactivation, and (5) a plan to address the long-term financial burden on patients, families, and caregivers.  相似文献   

This paper asserts that, contrary to the beliefs of many clinicians, patients with bipolar affective disorder often experience a deteriorating course characterized by pervasive social dysfunction. It reviews the literature, identifying a rationale for group psychotherapy as an adjunct to medication in the management of these chronic patients. It outlines a theoretical approach to bipolar group therapy, and presents a retrospective study comparing the course of 43 lithium-treated bipolar patients before and after entering bipolar groups. During the year in group therapy, bipolar patients displayed significant improvements in symptom relief as well as social functioning. It is proposed that group process enhances treatment with medication, providing benefits not evident with medication alone.  相似文献   

This study explores the utility of a pain IAT for the assessment of dysfunctional cognitive beliefs in chronic pain patients before and after a cognitive behaviour therapy. A patient group suffering from chronic pain (N=25) treated with a 4-week cognitive behavioural psychotherapy is compared with an untreated healthy control group (N=27) at two points in time. In addition, both groups completed a self-esteem questionnaire (Rosenberg-scale) and a self-esteem IAT. In the clinical group a questionnaire assessing self-reported pain cognitions was administered. The pain IAT was able to differentiate between chronic pain patients and healthy controls before the treatment. Most important, pain-related implicit associations could be shown to change over the course of treatment in the clinical group of chronic pain patients. Results provide first evidence for an application of the IAT in chronic pain research.  相似文献   

焦虑障碍是最常见的心理障碍之一.其具有症状重、病程慢、复发率高、社会功能明显缺损等特点,给个人、家庭和社会造成了巨大的负担.家庭环境因素在焦虑障碍的发病、转归和预后方面都起到重要作用.本文介绍了国内外关于焦虑障碍患者家庭特点和家庭互动模式的研究结果.系统式家庭治疗作为一种家庭治疗模式,具有其独特的治疗理念和方法,国内外研究结果表明系统式家庭治疗用于焦虑障碍具有良好疗效.今后,还应该运用更加多元化的研究方法探讨中国焦虑症家庭动力学特点和家庭功能,并采用更加严格的随机对照设计,进一步证实系统式家庭治疗对焦虑障碍的治疗效果.  相似文献   

Clinical and epidemiological data suggest that generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) is a chronic illness causing patients to suffer for many years leading to significant distress in daily life functioning. The literature suggests the several conclusions. GAD is a disorder in need of appropriate treatment and often has a chronic course with comorbid conditions, such as major depression and other anxiety disorders. Benzodiazepines, while effective anxiolytic agents acutely, when prescribed for >4 weeks cause rebound anxiety and following prolonged therapy may lead to withdrawal symptoms. Antidepressants cause significant anxiety relief compared with placebo and for psychosocial treatment cognitive-behavioral therapy is an efficacious psychosocial treatment. Many GAD patients are in need of long-term medication management. Furthermore, there is limited data for patients diagnosed with GAD the treatment outcome with the combination of medication and psychotherapy both acutely and long-term; how to best sequence these treatments; for those patients who do not meet remission criteria what is the ideal approach for augmentation; and for patients with treatment-refractory GAD the empirical evidence is lacking on medication switching and augmentation strategies. Research is needed in the area of developing treatment strategies for patients suffering from treatment-refractory GAD. There is still an urgent need to explore treatment combinations and duration strategies in the management of patients suffering with GAD.  相似文献   

探讨肝纤维化程度分期和谷氨酸脱羧酶抗体在慢性乙型肝炎(慢乙肝)并发肝源性糖尿病中的诊断价值。对75例慢乙肝和肝硬化合并糖尿病患者分别进行空腹、服糖后2h血浆血糖、胰岛素、C肽和谷氨酸脱羧酶抗体(GADA)测定,对慢乙肝患者进行肝组织病理检查,按肝纤维化程度分期。结果乙肝肝硬化并发肝源性糖尿病患者的BMI值较乙肝肝硬化合并糖尿病患者的低。慢乙肝合并糖尿病S≥3组空腹、餐后2h血糖、胰岛素、C肽、GADA的阳性率以及糖尿病症状、空腹低血糖发生率与乙肝肝硬化并发肝源性糖尿病组比较差异无统计学意义(P〉0.05);慢乙肝合并糖尿病S≥3组空腹、餐后2h胰岛素、c肽和与慢乙肝血糖正常S≥3组比较差异无统计学意义(P〉0.05),而GADA的阳性率显著升高,两组之间的差异具有统计学意义(χ^2=4.713,P〈0.05)。结论肝纤维化程度S≥3和谷氨酸脱羧酶抗体阳性有助于慢乙肝并发肝源性糖尿病的诊断。  相似文献   

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