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The purpose of this study was to investigate counselor behaviors related to being “counseling oriented” in one's interaction with clients as opposed to being “placement oriented.” The levels of therapeutic conditions (accurate empathy, self congruence, unconditional positive regard, and intensity and intimacy of interpersonal contact) were all positively correlated with being counseling oriented (p<.01). The multiple correlation of the therapeutic conditions with being counseling oriented was .74 with accurate empathy accounting for the major portion of the variance. Further analysis of the frequency of specific counselor responses revealed that counselors who provide high therapeutic conditions, or those who are counseling oriented: (a) manifest a distinctly different pattern of responses; and, (b) are more active in the counseling relationship in terms of total responses.  相似文献   

The counselor generally finds more difficulty in examining his “self” than in looking at the self of other counselors or of clients. On the assumption that the best display of counselor self occurs during the counseling relationship, a number of counseling excerpts are examined in an attempt to illustrate the level of counselor freedom. Counselor freedom is viewed as being related to the ability of the counselor to establish an empathic relationship with the client, to his ability to operate within the client's frame of reference, and to his ability to be genuine and honest in his relationship with the client.  相似文献   

Prediction is a fundamental part of counseling. Although counselors differ in their ability to predict accurately, there is no evidence that those who predict most accurately do the best job of counseling. Using 3 different sets of case data, 14 counselors predicted whether students would graduate and whether they would keep the “major” program selected at the time of admission. 3 supervisors agreed on the counselors rated “most” or “least” effective in their work with students. Although the amount of case data available to the counselors was unrelated to predictive accuracy, the counselors rated “most” effective predicted significantly better than those rated “moderately” or “least” effective.  相似文献   

The emergent consciousness and political activism within the transgender community has important implications for the field of counseling. In the current paradigm, the focus has shifted from using surgical and hormonal interventions and thereby enabling transgendered persons to “pass” within the traditional gender binary of society to affirming the unique identities of transgendered persons. To prepare counselors, counselor educators, and counseling supervisors for this important challenge, the authors describe the evolving nature of the transgender community, discuss mental health issues and counseling interventions for use with transgendered clients, and present a case study detailing the progression of counseling with 1 transgendered client.  相似文献   

Middle-class counselors and disadvantaged clients appear to be alienated due to a basic difference in values. This alienation can be overcome by the counselor assuming the role of “social advocate.” Several examples are given to illustrate how social advocacy might be utilized. As the counseling relationship develops, and the client's trust and confidence strengthen, the counselor can begin to assert himself and confront the client concerning the unsolvable problems he presents as reasons for his unemployment and failure. Some differences exist as to counseling needs on the basis of sex and ethnic background. The confrontation program described would seem to be more effective with disadvantaged men than with disadvantaged women.  相似文献   

Counselors who work with conservative Christians may ask how to respect a client's values when “God” seems to be saying something contrary to what the counselor believes is in the client's best interests. In a managed care era of decreasing choice about one's counselor, referral of such clients to a conservative Christian counselor is not always an option. “Working with God” when counseling conservative Christian clients requires counselors to understand conservative Christian beliefs. This article portrays conservative Christianity as a culture and articulates conservative Christian beliefs that may challenge the counseling process, suggesting options within the framework of these beliefs.  相似文献   

No counseling, other than the strictly information-giving forms of academic and vocational advisement, can actually be limited to the conscious, rational layers of personality. The deeper levels are reflected in all aspects of behavior, so that concepts of a dichotomy between “counseling” and “psychotherapy” have only the most restricted usefulness. If counseling is necessarily a form of psychotherapy, however specialized, present training methods for counselor candidates are seriously inadequate. Advanced psychological knowledge is needed by counselors, including study of abnormal psychology and diagnostics, as well as of the biological and sociological roots of behavior. Also needed are more rigorous selection methods for counselor candidates, inasmuch as their work unavoidably affects the deeper personality dynamics of their clients, as well as a requirement that those who will counsel others therapeutically should themselves have the experience of being counseled. In view of the increased rigor of this program, if it is undertaken the scale of compensation for counselors should also be considerably increased.  相似文献   

In this literature review, the author focuses on several ethical considerations in case conceptualization and diagnosis, including diagnostic training and competence. Meeting the American Counseling Association's (1995) ethical standard for diagnostic training has several ethical implications for counselors, counselor educators, and supervisors. For counselors who might struggle with how to meet their ethical responsibilities in diagnosis but who want to remain true to their developmental counseling emphases, the author discusses some of their concerns, the implications of and possible approaches to this aspect of their work. Conclusion Yalom (2002) asked a poignant question of counselors in his book, The Gift of Therapy: “If you were in personal psychotherapy or are considering it, what DSM‐IV diagnosis do you think your therapist could justifiably use to describe someone as complicated as you?” (p. 5). This question and continued dialogue about the ethics and implications of diagnosis are essential aspects of diagnostic training. Yalom's poignant and deeply personal question seems especially appropriate for increasing a counselor's empathy toward the client's sensitivity and vulnerability during the diagnostic process. Counselor educators might ask how one remains true to a developmental model of counseling while adhering to the ethical and accreditation standards of teaching the DSM's medical model of diagnosis. Counselors may also question how to use diagnosis ethically and empathically. Seligman (1999) recommended that clinicians view the DSM as one of many important sources of information about a person. Furthermore, counselors should seek to incorporate diagnostic information into a holistic context, recognizing that a diagnosis does not reflect the totality of the client. Some counselor educators have advised students to integrate the DSM model into their work with clients rather than abandoning their developmental roots (Waldo et al., 1993). Some counselors may not actually put their diagnoses in writing; Seligman believed, however, that thinking diagnostically may assist counselors in determining the best approaches to help clients and to help clients help themselves. This clinical and ethical debate about how, and in fact, whether, to integrate the medical model of the DSM and the developmental origins and distinctiveness of counseling continues. However, the CACREP (2001) standards, managed care systems, and other forces have pushed counseling professionals toward a medical model by mandating counselor knowledge and use of the DSM. Whatever a counselor's stance and behavior on client assessment and diagnosis may be, the literature presented in this review and discussion seems to suggest a need for heightened sensitivity to, preparation for, and accuracy in all facets of client assessment, especially diagnosis.  相似文献   

Many counselors appear to be operating on false assumptions (shibboleths) regarding counseling. The removal of these shibboleths leaves one more receptive to examining the basic assumptions underlying the linkage of discipline and counseling. Discipline and counseling may be seen as similar in terms of their educational goals, and counseling is used as a tool for the disciplinary counselor to implement the attainment of these common goals. Unresolved problems remain, however. Counseling is used during only a portion of disciplinary activities; thus there seems to be a misplaced emphasis on counseling in the title of the disciplinary counselor. Such inaccuracy may have unfortunate implications. Because of the usually accepted meaning of “discipline,” the title of disciplinary counselor is confusing and possibly damaging to both the profession and the students it intends to serve.  相似文献   

谢悦  贾晓明 《心理科学》2021,(4):1004-1011
为探索高校咨询师面临的多重关系伦理情境、决策过程,对访谈17名高校心理咨询师的资料进行分析。结果:常见情境主要包括接送礼物承载的新关系、来访者和咨询师除咨询关系外的师生关系、咨询师与和来访者有关的第三人有关系、咨询师在咨询室之外的场所偶遇来访者、来访者有咨询师的联系方式、来访者和咨询师有身体接触等。决策表现为两种:经验主导型,决策时未意识到处于伦理情境只凭经验决策;伦理主导型,决策时意识到处在伦理情境。结论:高校心理咨询存在一些特殊多重关系,心理咨询师需增加具有伦理意识的决策。  相似文献   

Recent research in counseling suggests the efficacy of teaching the clients to be their own counselors through the use of self-regulation procedures. This article explores three primary steps involved in helping clients to control their own behavior change: self-observation, self-monitoring, and self-regulation strategies. Self-regulation provides an affirmative answer to the question: “Is the client a counselor?” by promoting client responsibility and independence in the counseling process.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate longitudinal changes in master’s-level counselor trainees’ (N = 78) self-perceptions of their multicultural counseling competence over the course of their counseling program. Multilevel modeling results indicated an increase in scores across 3 time points. The authors discuss study limitations and how counselors and counselor educators can incorporate the study’s findings into their practice and into the education and supervision of counselor trainees.  相似文献   

The preparation of culturally effective counselors is a familiar topic in the counseling literature. Counselor educators and practitioners have regularly discussed cultural barriers in the counseling process and have proposed models for working more effectively with multicultural populations. Still, there is no counselor education program in the United States that trains students in the special problems and advantages of counseling culturally different clients. Now more than ever, there are many compelling reasons to prepare culturally effective counselors. They include (a) the multicultural overtones of the American population; (b) the growing number of new immigrants and refugees; (c) the expressed and perceived needs of counselors working with multicultural groups; and (d) the naming of counselors as “necessary” recipients of federal training funds to develop better bilingual programs. The authors propose a counselor training program with a specialization in bilingual-multicultural education. This requires specific attitudes, skills, and competencies based on the interdisciplinary philosophies of counseling, bilingual education, and multicultural education.  相似文献   

Differences between engaged (clients seen for at least two counseling sessions) and nonengaged clients, and between post-engaged premature terminators and clients who terminated with counselor knowledge at a university counseling center were investigated. Five practicum trainees, four professional counselors, and 308 college student clients participated. Professionals had higher rates of engagement and lower rates of premature termination than trainees. Engagement was positively associated with understanding and teaching the client and with longer intake interviews. Premature termination was associated with counselor attractiveness, expertness, and trustworthiness. These characteristics related to premature termination in opposite directions for professional and practicum counselors. Results are discussed in terms of possible different mechanisms operating at the beginning and end of counseling.  相似文献   

This study was undertaken to determine if the scales on the Personal Orientation Inventory (POI), a measure of positive mental health, could effectively discriminate between two groups of counselors with respect to ability to communicate the therapeutic condition of facilitative genuineness within counseling relationships. Results disclosed that 7 of the 12 scales of the POI significantly differentiated between the “high genuineness” and “low genuineness” groups. Findings suggest that counselor education programs should focus more directly upon providing personal growth experiences for students of counseling.  相似文献   

Despite the abundance of research on undecided and indecisive students, there is a lack of literature on the actual change process of counseling these individuals. No published studies have applied advances in single-subject methodology to career research. This study uses both process and outcome measures to investigate the counseling process with an undecided and indecisive college student to examine (a) what specific events were the most significant in each session, (b) counselor intentions in the “best” versus “worst” sessions, (c) role of the working alliance with career clients, and (d) differential counseling outcomes. Participants were two female counselors, one male undecided student, and one male indecisive student. Results (a) support previous speculation about the differential utility of interventions for undecided and indecisive clients, (b) suggest that the relationship may be important to clients in career counseling, and (c) raise questions about previously assumed intervention strategies for career clients.  相似文献   

Male and female college undergraduates were exposed to a staged theft. For half of the subjects, confidence judgments were assessed both before and after viewing a photo lineup. For the other half, confidence judgments were assessed only after viewing the lineup. Subjects in both conditions viewed a target-present or target-absent lineup under negativey biased, unbiased, or positively biased instructions. Across all subjects, confidence and accuracy were significantly correlated (r= .30). There was a significantly stronger relationship between confidence and accuracy among choosers (r= 50) than among nonchoosers (r= .14). Choosing and confidence did not correlate significantly with each other. Identification accuracy was significantly poorer when witnesses had been asked before viewing the lineup to state their confidence that they would make an accurate identification than when confidence was measured only after an identification had been attempted. However, the before-after manipulation did not affect the magnitude of the confidence-accuracy relationship. The present results offer some support for the general proposition that choosing and the timing of confidence assessments should be viewed as moderating variables in the interpretation of the confidence-accuracy relationship. These data offer little support for predictions based upon self-perception theory and are in direct disagreement with the widely held assertion that witnesses are confident in whatever choice they make, regardless of its correctness.  相似文献   

Archival data were used to explore intake judgments made by 45 counselors about 344 African-American and White clients seen at a counseling center during a 2-year period. Counselor gender was significantly associated with ratings of client severity of current condition. Neither ethnicity nor counselor experience were predictive of intake judgments.  相似文献   

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