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心理学研究本土文化取向的理论与实践   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
张春兴 《心理科学》2004,27(2):420-422
经由本地化研究建立本土心理学的呼声,自20世纪80年代以来,在两岸三地即已时有所闻.惟对“本土”或“本地化”的概念并不明确。到90年代末期台湾部分心理学家提出三地论的概念^[3],认为港、台、大陆三地因长期隔离,社会形态各异,故而主张三地华人社会的心理学者应各自建立自己的本土心理学(台湾本土心理学、大陆本土心理学、香港本土心理学)。此种纯以地区为前提的心理学研究取向有待商榷.原因是如将心理学视为研究人性特质的科学。并将心理与行为视为人性特质的表徽。显而易见的是,影响心理与行为的文化因素大于地区因素。基于此义.本文提出采用心理学研究本土文化取向的建议.并试从心理学思想的演变中分析探讨此一建议的合理性。一得之愚尚请学界先进批评指教。  相似文献   

西方心理学中两种文化的对立及其思考   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
方明 《心理学探新》2000,20(2):8-11
西方心理学中科学文化与人文文化的对立由来已久,构成了西方心理学的发展史。两 种文化的冲突表现在心理学科学观、人性观、本体论和方法论四个方面,这种冲突造成了西方心理学目前的困境。作者认为,西方心理学中两种文化冲突的存在揭示了大力发展理论心理学的必要性和紧迫性,也是心理学统一的前提,并对心理学的本土化有可资借鉴的经验。  相似文献   

对心理本质的不同理解是造成中西方心理学传统的主要分野之一。受西方哲学中追求理性和逻辑的逻各斯主义影响,西方主流心理学着重刻画人类心理的理性一面。中文语境下的心理学传统则存在明显反逻各斯立场,它更重视心理的情感一面,力图通过情感的体验而说明自身心理的真实存在,重视发挥自身心理的作用,通过其功能来认识心理。中国本土心理学应注重传承这一本土传统,建立人文主义导向的理论视角,直面人生意义、生存价值等"主观性"主题,以对自身文化心理充分信任的姿态展示中国人的心理世界并与世界同行进行平等的交流。  相似文献   

科学心理学以方法为中心的知识建构策略,内在地要求它与常识心理学划界以谋求自然科学分支的学科地位,其代价是对人类心理之情感与意义维度的隔离。在移植西方心理学体系的过程中,科学心理学的争议也内含于中国心理学的发展轨迹中,同时还附加了学术边陲地区特有的学科追赶焦虑。中国本土心理学理论应突破科学至上的观念束缚,致力于发展具有现实解释力和价值引导力的人文主义导向的心理学理论,以切实解决中国现实社会中的心理问题,并在世界心理学界发出真正的中国声音。  相似文献   

中国化:我国心理学的挑战与机遇   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
现代主流心理学的源头主要是西方传统文化背景下的近代科学 ,其学科危机亦主要是由于盲目借鉴西方近代科学的人性观以及方法论所致。我国心理学要想摆脱这样的困境 ,就必须加强文化分析的方法 ,从中国传统文化中吸取有价值的思想 ,开辟一条新的发展道路 ,即心理学的中国化之路。这样 ,我国的心理学便能在东西方两大文化的浇灌下健康发展  相似文献   

西方心理学中的现代主义、后现代主义及其超越   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
叶浩生 《心理学报》2004,36(2):212-218
当代西方心理学中存在着现代主义取向和后现代主义取向的对立和冲突。冯特以来的西方心理学流派大多属于现代主义的范畴。现代主义的特征是:(1)重视科学的价值,强调科学的方法;(2)信奉经验主义;(3)个体的中心地位。后现代主义取向的核心是社会建构主义,其主要特征为:(1)批判的倾向,对现代心理学的理论基础进行解构;(2)把社会建构论作为认识论的基础;(3)促进心理学实践的四个转变。尽管两种倾向形成鲜明的对照,但两者也存在着一些共同的方面,从而构成了超越两者的基础。两种取向的超越需要以科学实在论作为元理论的基础,并需要双方互补、合作和开放的态度。  相似文献   

试析现代西方心理学的文化转向   总被引:39,自引:0,他引:39  
叶浩生 《心理学报》2001,34(3):79-84
西方心理学正在展现出对文化影响日渐增加的关注。这种文化转向既有科学哲学和历史的原因,也受到世界范围内心理学本土化运动的影响。文化转向的主要表现是:(1)对心理学自然科学模式的反思与诘难;(2)多元文化心理学的兴起;(3)跨文化心理学面临的批评及其转变;(4)认知心理学、发展心理学和健康心理学等分支领域对文化影响的关注。作者认为,文化的转向对于西方心理学的发展具有积极的意义。  相似文献   

当代心理学发展的一种新取向--进化心理学   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
许波  车文博 《心理科学》2004,27(1):236-238
进化心理学是近年在西方心理学中出现的一种新的研究取向,目前仍没有一个明确的概念和系统的理论。其基本主张是:过去是理解心理机制的关键;功能分析是理解心理机制的主要途径;心理机制是在解决问题的过程中演化形成的;模块性是心理机制整体组织的特性;人的行为是心理机制和环境互动作用的结果。进化心理学的发展既有意义同时也存在局限。其意义是:其发展与当代科学发展趋势相一致;它的研究促进了对人性和心理的进一步思考。局限是:具有遗传决定论的倾向;方法论存在一定的缺陷,忽视了文化对进化的意义等等。  相似文献   

跨文化行为心理学——文化取向心理学第四方向   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
首先简要回顾比较了文化取向心理学的四个不同的方向:文化心理学、本土心理学、跨文化心理学,以及新的发展方向——跨文化行为心理学;重点介绍了跨文化行为心理学与文化碰撞情境概念的提出以及一个跨文化行为模型;其次提出了该学科在跨文化协同增效方面的重要应用;最后做出了在中国文化背景下开展相应研究的展望。  相似文献   

中国人格心理学发展路径的哲学思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘同辉 《心理科学》2008,31(2):504-506
金文以现实困境为切入点,从科学哲学的角度,对中国人格心理学的发展路径进行了反思.第一,对中国现代人格心理学的现实状态进行了剖析.第二,以Mind和Mentality的区别破解了西化与本土的争论.第三,分析了中国人格心理学现实困境的两大根源:文化的错位和文化的缺位.第四,以文化排异性困境和文化缺位性困境为标准,从科学哲学层面反思、区隔和辨析了中国人格心理学的两种独立路径,即知识论层面的表层反思和方法论层面的深层反思,前者以本土化与方法论的拿来主义为主要特征,后者以本土与方法论的独立为主要特征.通过分析两种独立路径对文化排异性困境和文化缺位性困境破解程度的优劣而得出结论:只有探索和建立坚实而有效的本土方法论,才会有中国本土人格心理学构建和发展的康庄之路.  相似文献   

In order to answer the three crucial questions (why, what and how) about the development of indigenous psychology, three levels of breakthrough need to be made, namely, philosophical reflection, theoretical construction and empirical research. The controversial issues that have occurred in the earlier development of indigenous psychology are analyzed in terms of the switch in Western philosophy of science from positivism to post-positivism. Based on this analysis, it is argued that indigenous psychologists should construct formal theories illustrating the functioning of the human mind that may be applicable to various cultures, and then use these theories to study the particular mentalities of people in a given culture with the scientific methods of empirical research.  相似文献   

我国心理学正处于分化过程之中,其中两个明显的例证就是:基础心理学与应用及人文心理学的分化,以及对心理学研究和服务成果的评价标准摆脱SCI的束缚.这背后深层的原因在于,若以科学哲学认识论的视角,人类的知识大致可分为可靠有用的知识和无用虚幻(伪科学)的知识,可靠知识又可进一步分为科学的知识和非科学的知识.心理学从诞生之日起...  相似文献   

Research about the nature of psychology, its subject matter, its level of analysis, its scientific laws, its relationship with other disciplines, and its social relevance has been a matter of great concern and interest during the development of psychology. This problem can be analyzed in terms of the dilemmas of the psychological discipline, which have been choice points, crossroads, alternative decisions that bring psychologists face to face with the following issues: (a) the subject matter of psychology: psyche, mind, or behavior?; (b) the role of scientific methodology: is psychology a natural science, a social/behavioral/human science, or a part of the humanities?; (c) the universality or particularity of scientific laws in psychology: are laws universal or culture-bound and contextual?; and (d) the balance between science and profession: is psychology a basic science, a socially relevant profession, or both?  相似文献   

The purpose of the present paper is to provide an integrated analysis of indigenous psychologies and to outline the epistemological foundation of indigenous psychologies. In the first part of this paper, the authors provide commentary of the four articles in this Special Issue. In the second section, the epistemological foundation of general psychology is reviewed. General psychology has adopted positivism in search of abstract and universal laws of human behavior and eliminated the subjective aspects of human functioning (i.e. agency, meaning, intention and goals) and the influence of context and culture. In the third section, the authors introduce the transactional model of science. In this approach, human beings are viewed as agents of their own action and are motivated to control and manage their environment. In the fourth section, indigenous psychologies and culture are defined. Cultural differences exist due to the diverse goals that cultures pursue, the methods people use to attain the goals, and the differential use of natural and human resources. In the fifth section, a review of empirical studies focusing on academic achievement is provided to highlight the scientific merits of indigenous psychologies. In the final section, the authors distinguish between the speculative analyses of indigenous concepts from systematic indigenous analyses. Indigenous psychologies represent a scientific paradigm in which the goal is to create a more rigorous, systematic and universal science that can be theoretically and empirically verified.  相似文献   

Beginning around 1879, a Neoscholastic psychology developed, an experimental psychology with a soul. Opposed to materialism, it sought to renew Scholastic philosophy by incorporating the findings of the natural sciences. Neoscholastic psychology is an important chapter in the history of the relationships between science and religion in the 20th century. Neoscholastic psychology was both experimental and philosophical. This article presents the main accomplishments of North American Neoscholastic psychology in academic and applied areas. Neoscholastic psychologists championed scientific psychology while insisting on a better conception of human nature. Philosophical critiques led to a decline of Neoscholasticism; after the 1960s it was no longer official Catholic philosophy. Neoscholasticism gave psychologists concerned with philosophical questions impetus to turn to phenomenology, existentialism, and humanistic psychology.  相似文献   

Although activities in basic and applied research in developing countries (DCs) are guided by universal scientific principles, there are important differences in the way in which science is practiced from that of the industrialized world. Isolation from the mainstream of scientific activity, the need for the development of an indigenous scientific capacity, the lack of a critical mass of researchers with respect to most fields of knowledge, and the urgency of developing better and more efficient communication channels, are some of the aspects that set apart the scientific activity of the developing world. In particular, the need to develop local "new" science aimed at solving pressing problems of a local nature suggests the existence of a different set of conditions from those found in scientifically-advanced countries. In the present article we look at the ways the special circumstances of science in DCs will affect the application of evaluation criteria, using bibliometric data on research in Mexico as an example.  相似文献   

This paper aims to present a critical analysis of the development of indigenous psychologies within the western and non–western contexts. The rhetoric of indigenous psychologies is cross–examined to include historical perspectives, cultural interdependence and institutional regulations. The paper also examines the processes of psychologizing indigenous views that are largely regulated by the powerful social agencies. The paper endeavors to draw a link between historical perspectives and post–historical cultural interdependence in order to explicate the contentious issues of 'micro and macro indigenous psychologies', both within and beyond western indigenous psychologies. The importance of the cross–fertilization of knowledge from diverse indigenous psychologies for the development of a global indigenous psychology is reaffirmed.  相似文献   

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