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章铸 《天风》2001,(2):50-51
从旧约到新约,圣经以大量的篇幅表征了建立教会和传扬福音的必要,对这个重要的神学命题,我则想从历史与哲学交融的比较中进一步探讨基督信仰和教会存在的互动关系,显然国内的研究者还未曾将应有的注视投向这一领域.  相似文献   

若霖 《天风》2008,(20):26-27
新约圣经,以主耶稣按上帝的应许临到世界,并通过十架受死、复活成就救恩、订立新约,以色列人拒绝基督,救恩扩展到外邦两条线索互为经纬,阐述了圣灵的工作和教会的建立与扩展,广涉基督、天国、教会、未世等重大神学命题,同时也兼顾了对信徒信仰生活和教会仪礼的指导。  相似文献   

正《旧约》是《圣经》的重要组成部分,旧约神学更是学习神学必不可少的功课。传道人想要传讲整全的福音信息,离不开对《旧约》的神学和灵命信息的深入挖掘和深切体认。注重《旧约》与《新约》信息的内在统一关系,教会建立健全合宜的圣经观,正确理解和推进神学思想建设和基督教中国化,对每一个基督徒灵性生命的健康、均衡整全的成长至关重要。"圣经神学又分为旧约神学、新约神学。它是近两个多世纪以来发展的新兴学科。不少基督徒认为有了《圣经》,  相似文献   

从旧约到新约,圣经以大量的篇幅表征了建立教会和传扬福音的必要,对这个重要的神学命题,我则想从历史与哲学交融的比较中进一步探讨基督信仰和教会存在的互动关系,显然国内的研究者还未曾将应有的注视投向这一领域。其中一个明显的原因乃是由于“圣经中有很多疑难之处,教会历史上有很多灰暗的篇章,教会组织和基督徒们时而表现偏见、前后矛盾和彼此分裂,  相似文献   

英语术语"New Perspective on Paul"是20世纪西方新约神学研究界独特的理论体系。本文着重研究了新约之神学诠释与教会信仰的关联,对于我们认识成长中的中国基督教和教会的信仰有特殊意义:对于思考今日中国基督教和教会这样的问题而言,专注于新约正典与教会信仰,将有益于我们确立现实的立场,从而将圣经作为中国教会至高衡定标准,或者,将从圣经视野去审视中国基督教问题确立为对话与交流的基本原则。而路德改教传统,就我们所正在思考的议题而言,亦特具意义,这就是路德乃至新教传统的首要原则:"唯靠圣经"(Sola Scriptura)。  相似文献   

任何宗教语言的特征是它的指使性.本文依据约翰神学的文献,即<约翰福音>、<约翰壹书>、<约翰贰书>、<约翰叁书>、<启示录>指出:约翰神学在以下几个方面表现出宗教语言的指使性特征:"我是"的宣告、耶稣的对话性言说、吁请的祈祷;而它在时间观上的长时段的末世论的涵义意味着:作者约翰强调时间中的永恒与现在的关系,换言之,他认为永恒中内含现在、而现在中却内含着永恒.这种语言观、时间观,和约翰神学的以人与上帝的公义关系为基础的神义论的正义论相关,和它把基督信仰看成是上帝之言成为肉身的历史事件与耶稣的肉身成为上帝之言的神学事件的信仰相关.  相似文献   

正历史地说,中国基督新教教会的信仰渊源与美国的奋兴主义和欧洲的敬虔主义密切相关。宗教改革时期高举的"唯靠圣经"、"唯靠基督"和"唯靠信仰"的原则,在中国教会从不会过时。因此,如果不基于上帝的启示,不以圣经作为神学的"规范",就没有中国教会所能接受的神学可言,也就没有真正的中国神学。尽管神学不可否认会含有一般信  相似文献   

胡应强 《天风》2006,(7):30-34
如果说神学是教会在思考,那么和好神学就是中国宗派后教会的神学思考之一。和好神学源于中国基督教会已经并仍将身体力行的宗派后合一的实践。因此,和好神学也是中国教会从宗派后合一的层面对基督教信仰所寻求的理解。和好神学立足圣经,突出神人和好是贯穿整本圣经的中心思想,因此,也是高举圣经权威的中国基督教神学的永恒主题。和好神学从本体论的角度阐释了三位一体的神是人神和好、人人和睦以及人与自然和谐的源头、动力和终极目标;道成肉身的宇宙的基督是一位有志于、也有能力实现神人和好的基督;神更盼望人人成为实现神人和好的有责任且负责任的自我;神人和好也符合教会的本质——团契 (KOINONIA),即指神与人、人与人以及人和自然之间和好的生命关系。因此,和好神学主张建立有中国宗派后合一特色的教会论;在终极论上,和好神学更从和好的主题出发,满怀信心地展望,世界的终极不是毁灭,而是到日期满足的时候,万有在基督里同归于一。总之,和好神学能帮助中国基督徒树立正确的基督观, 教会观,促进中国基督教会的宗派后合一,为中国基督教正在推进的神学思想建设指出了一个值得关注的方向。  相似文献   

为促进中国教会的合一与神学建设,金陵协和神学院神学研究室于1998年3月21日举办“中国教会的合一”研讨会。与会者就新约圣经与教会合一,教会历史与教会合一,灵性经验与教会合一等方面内  相似文献   

伊拉斯谟是文艺复兴时期重要的基督教人文主义者。本文以伊拉斯谟的著作与相关研究为基础,讨论了他对新约的翻译以及释义。他认为武加大译本在传抄的历史过程中已经被败坏,为了"回到本源"而净化和复兴基督教的原初信仰,他主张回到希腊新约文本,将之译为拉丁文。他的新约译本不仅影响到马丁·路德的德文圣经翻译,而且,对于圣经文本批判的产生具有重要意义。此外,他的新约释义基于人文主义的修辞,呈现了他的历史意识和基督哲学。  相似文献   

Abstract: This article explores the theology of love advanced by Martin Luther, relating it to his account of the presence of Christ by faith in other people, and to his biblical expositions. In outlining Luther's contrast between the love of God and the human loves, it is argued that Luther nonetheless is still able to value human love. Finally, the relationship between love and faith in Luther is described: love is chief among the many gifts of God that we receive by faith.  相似文献   

This article deals with two types of Christian faith in the light of the challenges posed by the ethics of belief. It is proposed that the difficulties with Clifford’s formulation of that ethic can best be handled if the ethic is interpreted in terms of role-specific intellectual integrity. But the ethic still poses issues for the traditional interpretation of Christian faith when it is conceived as a series of discrete but related propositions, especially historical propositions. For as so conceived, the believer makes claims that fall within the province of an intellectual discipline, history, that requires evidence and rules of procedure for the adjudication of such claims. It is noteworthy how few Christian theologians and philosophers of religion deal with the issue in these terms. Alvin Plantinga is a noteworthy exception and his views are examined and criticized because, among other things, his conclusion is that any believer without having any training in biblical languages or historical studies can know that the New Testament narratives are true. The article then considers a second conception of Christian faith in which this conflict does not arise. One finds it in the works of Schleiermacher, Wittgenstein, and, surprisingly, in the conception of faith found in the early writings of Karl Barth.  相似文献   

Feminist theology is known for its various critical principles and methods of biblical interpretation. In the process of doing feminist biblical interpretation, feminist theologians have started to build their theological frameworks. This article takes the feminist biblical scholar Elisabeth Schüssler Fiorenza and her construction of the New Testament as an example. In her book Discipleship of Equals, Schüssler Fiorenza put forward the important viewpoint of “equal discipleship.” This viewpoint provides a dialogue between Schüssler Fiorenza and the theological concerns of women in China. Like Schüssler Fiorenza, Chinese theologians have also noted the testimonies of Chinese women Christians in the development of the church. These can help female Christians realize who they are and the significance of being a member of the church. Christian Chinese traditional culture still influences the understanding of women's identity. This will be a significant challenge and task in practising Chinese feminist theology.  相似文献   

James A. Kelhoffer 《Dialog》2011,50(2):120-132
Abstract : Assertions of standing, authority, and power claimed on the basis of withstanding persecution play a prominent and heretofore under‐appreciated role in much of the New Testament literature. Yet deriving legitimacy from persecution presents an interpretive quandary not unlike those inherited from biblical passages that condone slavery or unhealthy attitudes toward women and men. Reflection on how we construe ourselves in relation to suffering is an agendum inadequately realized in the New Testament that commends itself for twenty‐first century ethics and theology.  相似文献   

In this article the author examines the relationship between faith and praxis in theology. The contemporary trends that make this relationship crucial for theology are noted, and its implications for Christian witness are explored through a brief analysis of several “liberation theologies.” The development of the relationship between faith and praxis is traced in Latin American liberation theology, African Christian theology, Asian Christian theology, feminist theology in the United States, and Black theology in the United States. Finally, some observations are given regarding the kind of faith and praxis that is demanded of Christians who would give authentic witness today.  相似文献   

By  Derek Nelson 《Dialog》2005,44(2):164-180
Abstract :  This essay offers a comprehensive introduction to German theologian Eberhard Jüngel's theology and philosophy of religion. It traces his intellectual development, beginning with his formation studies in New Testament with Ernst Fuchs, and ends with his controversial position in matters of church unity and ecumenism. Special attention is paid to his theological anthropology, and the potential contributions his theology could make in the North American context are assessed.  相似文献   

Few, if any, present-day undergraduate degree courses in Theology include in their syllabus a study of the Epistle to the Hebrews or other New Testament writings other than the Gospels and the Pauline epistles. The result is in effect that we create a canon within a canon.
This paper, originally read at a postgraduate seminar, gives reasons why Hebrews in particular should not be neglected.
Hebrews provides evidence of the diversity of early Christian tradition, for example, with its teaching that it is impossible to be re-admitted to the community of faith, having once abandoned it, and with its unique use of Israel's day of Atonement rites in its presentation of Christ. Moreover, the very genre of Hebrews merits particular interest.
Hebrews also evidences a Christian community which has yet to break with Judaism. Its thoroughly Jewish background illustrates for students of the New Testament the necessity of knowing the Jewish Scriptures as well as the writings of the New Testament. Moreover, a study of the Epistle could make a constructive contribution to present-day Jewish–Christian dialogue, even if in the past it has been enlisted on the side of a thinly-disguised anti-Semitism.
Finally, Hebrews (e.g., with its depiction of Jesus as sacrificial victim and as High Priest) brings the student face to face with the metaphorical character of much of the language of the New Testament – a form of language which is not to be taken less seriously than other kinds of language; and in this case, Hebrews' Day of Atonement metaphors issue in new insights – in an innovative theology of access to God.
For this and other reasons, the study of Hebrews has an important contribution to make to theology degree syllabuses.  相似文献   

Eschatological images of Jesus as found in Jewish and Christian texts constitute the foundation of Edward Schillebeeckx’s positive orientation to suffering for others. Jewish prototypes provided the early Christians with an understanding of Jesus’ suffering, death, and resurrection as the advent of the eschaton. The pre‐existing biblical figures, which early Jewish Christians appropriated in the aftermath of the devastating crucifixion, provided traditional categories through which the life and death of Jesus could be meaningfully interpreted. Jesus as the eschatological prophet‐martyr and Jesus as the suffering, eschatological high priest of the Epistle to the Hebrews are the most prominent and complex of the ancient figures. In Schillebeeckx’s analysis, each of the two composite titles ascribed to Jesus is an amplification of a prophetic or priestly prototype. The use of both models is predicted on Jesus’ compassionate and redemptive response to suffering – healing the sick, comforting the bereaved, giving hope to the oppressed, and proclaiming eschatological salvation. Schillebeeckx’s historical‐critical investigation of Jesus’ perception of his anticipated death, as revealed in the Last supper narrative, and his analysis of the meaning ascribed to the crucifixion in primitive Christianity establish the basis for a theology of redemptive suffering in the early church. Schillebeeckx has critically examined three pre‐New Testament interpretations applied to Jesus’ crucifixion: (1) the death of the eschatological prophet‐martyr in the Deuteronomic tradition of the prophets whose proclamations were typically misjudged by Israel; (2) the fulfilment of the divine scheme of salvation through the suffering of the ‘righteous one’, who is ultimately exonerated by God; and (3) a vicarious, atoning sacrifice (the Jewish prototype that later influenced Anselm’s substitution theory). The interpretative categories examined by Schillebeeckx with respect to the crucifixion are closely related to the biblical images upon which his theology of suffering is based.  相似文献   

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