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自我认识是多学科、多领域探索的主题;认识自我是心理学的根本命题,也是心理治疗过程中的焦点所在。对包括精神分析疗法、认知行为疗法及以人为中心疗法的传统心理治疗、后现代叙事疗法及正念疗法的自我观进行梳理,揭示出心理治疗自我观从传统心理治疗流派的实体自我到后现代叙事疗法的关系自我,再到正念疗法无常无我的演变轨迹,发现东方佛教与西方心理学自我观走向融合的趋势,心理治疗各流派的理论和技术也日趋走向整合。  相似文献   

文化心理学视域下的心理治疗   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来,心理治疗的文化取向日益为心理学界所关注。在概要分析文化心理学理论取向和传统心理治疗特点的基础上,重点对文化心理学取向下的心理病因观、医患关系、心理治疗方法、心理治疗效果评价观做了相应分析,并对未来文化取向下的心理治疗理论进行了展望,希望对我国心理治疗理论和实践有所帮助。  相似文献   

近年来,心理治疗的文化取向日益为心理学界所关注.在概要分析文化心理学理论取向和传统心理治疗特点的基础上,重点对文化心理学取向下的心理病因观、医患关系、心理治疗方法、心理治疗效果评价观做了相应分析,并对未来文化取向下的心理治疗理论进行了展望,希望对我国心理治疗理论和实践有所帮助.  相似文献   

后现代叙事心理治疗探幽   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
近15年来国际心理治疗界出现一种由科学隐喻向叙事隐喻转变的潮流。它突出了心理问题的多维性和生活方式的多样性,强调整体联系的视角,与中国文化中的“大人”思想相契合。对叙事心理治疗做探讨,分为三个部分:什么是叙事心理治疗,介绍对叙事心理治疗的整体理解;叙事心理治疗的哲学渊源,介绍叙事心理治疗的理论基础;伦理问题,探讨叙事心理治疗在组织实施过程中权力关系与责任分布。  相似文献   

近15年来国际心理治疗界出现一种由科学隐喻向叙事隐喻转变的潮流.它突出了心理问题的多维性和生活方式的多样性,强调整体联系的视角,与中国文化中的"大人"思想相契合.对叙事心理治疗做探讨,分为三个部分:什么是叙事心理治疗,介绍对叙事心理治疗的整体理解;叙事心理治疗的哲学渊源,介绍叙事心理治疗的理论基础;伦理问题,探讨叙事心理治疗在组织实施过程中权力关系与责任分布.  相似文献   

叶浩生 《心理科学》2007,30(3):737-740
本质论与社会建构论是心理治疗领域中两种对立倾向。本质论坚持了经验实证主义的传统,代表着心理治疗领域中的现代主义取向;这一取向把病理心理作为行为问题的本质,从个体的内部寻找产生病理心理的原因。社会建构论挑战经验实证主义科学观,认为病理心理并非一种“精神实在”,而是一种文化建构。它代表了心理治疗领域的后现代主义取向。作者认为,两种取向的对立短时间内难以消解,在目前的条件下,应开放和宽容,互补互惠。  相似文献   

叙事疗法是一种新兴的心理治疗方法,也是叙事医学在心理治疗方面的运用和体现。通过帮助患者重新叙事,让患者从个人经历中找到生命的意义和价值。本文从基本理论、主要方法、实施程序和临床应用几个方面对叙事治疗进行概述,并通过一个真实案例,展示了如何运用叙事医学让医生走进患者的世界。  相似文献   

叙事心理治疗通过故事叙说、问题外化以及由薄到厚等方法重构积极的"替代性"故事取代"无效的"支配性故事。本文结合"失独者"哀伤心理辅导的实践,探寻叙事心理治疗在失独者哀伤心理辅导中的应用。  相似文献   

基于后现代文化理念的叙事心理治疗,其主要特征与中国文化的契合体现在:问题外化的治疗手段顺应中国人的面子心理和辩证的思维方式;关系取向的治疗立场更适合具有关系自我观的中国人;关注差异的治疗模式与中医的个体化治疗模式不谋而合;重视来访者的内在力量可充分发挥中国人善于自律和反思的特长。  相似文献   

基于后现代文化理念的叙事心理治疗,其主要特征与中国文化的契合体现在:问题外化的治疗手段顺应中国人的面子心理和辩证的思维方式;关系取向的治疗立场更适合具有关系自我观的中国人;关注差异的治疗模式与中医的个体化治疗模式不谋而合;重视来访者的内在力量可充分发挥中国人善于自律和反思的特长.  相似文献   

Many theoretical models of cognition are based on the assumption that cognitive processes and representations are hierarchically structured. The issue of whether these hierarchies are mere constructs or conceptual tools, or whether they have psychological and neurological reality, is addressed. Theories across a range of cognitive domains are reviewed and four kinds of evidence are considered: behavioural, neuropsychological, ontogenetic, and logical. Logical constraints are identified in relation to operating principles of control, access, economy and analogy. The general characteristics of hierarchical structures and their advantages and disadvantages are discussed.  相似文献   

People are often mistaken when estimating and predicting quantities, and sometimes they report values that they know are false: they lie. There exists, however, little research devoted to how such deviations are being perceived. In four vignette studies, participants were asked to rate the accuracy of inaccurate statements about quantities (prices, numbers and amounts). The results indicate that overstatements are generally judged to be more inaccurate than understatements of the same magnitude; self-favorable (optimistic) statements are considered more inaccurate than unfavorable (pessimistic) statements, and false reports (lies) are perceived to be more inaccurate than equally mistaken estimates. Lies about the future did not differ from lies about the past, but own lies were perceived as larger than the same lies attributed to another person. It is suggested that estimates are judged according to how close they come to the true values (close estimates are more correct than estimates that are less close), whereas lies are judged as deviant from truth, with less importance attached to the magnitude of the deviation.  相似文献   

自我意识情绪:人类高级情绪   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
自我意识情绪是个体在具有一定自我评价的基础上,通过自我反思而产生的情绪。自我意识情绪与基本情绪既有区别又有联系。自我表征、自我觉察、自我评价过程的卷入是自我意识情绪产生的重要条件。对个体行为进行自我调节、服务于人际交流、人际互惠和个体心理内部需要是自我意识情绪具有的主要功能。自我意识情绪是随着认知的发展而逐渐形成和发展的,并会受到文化的影响。自我报告、非言语行为编码技术、言语报告和行为编码、神经成像技术是自我意识情绪的主要研究方法。自我意识情绪的普遍性和特殊性需要进一步跨文化研究的验证  相似文献   

Logic is formal in the sense that all arguments of the same form as logically valid arguments are also logically valid and hence truth-preserving. However, it is not known whether all arguments that are valid in the usual model-theoretic sense are truth-preserving. Tarski claimed that it could be proved that all arguments that are valid (in the sense of validity he contemplated in his 1936 paper on logical consequence) are truth-preserving. But he did not offer the proof. The question arises whether the usual model-theoretic sense of validity and Tarski's 1936 sense are the same. I argue in this paper that they probably are not, and that the proof Tarski had in mind, although unusable to prove that model-theoretically valid arguments are truth-preserving, can be used to prove that arguments valid in Tarski's 1936 sense are truth-preserving.  相似文献   

Lodovico Galleni 《Zygon》1995,30(1):25-45
Abstract. Teilhard de Chardin's ideas about the mechanisms of biological evolution are revised and their connections with contemporary theories are reported. Teilhard de Chardin's main contribution is the proposal of a new scientific discipline, geobiology—the science of the biosphere evolving as a whole. The main fields of interest of geobiology are reported, and its relationships with contemporary hypotheses, such as Lovelock's Gaia, are discussed. The consequences of this kind of approach are the parallel evolution described as orthogenesis and the presence of canalization phenomena. These Teilhardian hypotheses are discussed in relation to those of the process structuralists and to the novelties of the molecular evolution of the genome. Conclusions are that the mechanisms discussed by Teilhard are presently taken into consideration by contemporary evolutionists in order to construct a new theory of biological evolution.  相似文献   

This article focuses on neuropsychological functioning at moderate, high, and extreme altitude. This article summarizes the available literature on respiratory, circulatory, and brain determinants on adaptation to hypoxia that are hypothesized to be responsible for neuropsychological impairment due to altitude. Effects on sleep are also described. At central level, periventricular focal damages (leuko-araiosis) and cortical atrophy have been observed. Frontal lobe and middle temporal lobe alterations are also presumed. A review is provided regarding the effects on psychomotor performance, perception, learning, memory, language, cognitive flexibility, and metamemory. Increase of reaction time and latency of P300 are observed. Reduced thresholds of tact, smell, pain, and taste, together with somesthetic illusions and visual hallucinations have been reported. Impairment in codification and short-term memory are especially noticeable above 6,000 m. Alterations in accuracy and motor speed are identified at lower altitudes. Deficits in verbal fluency, language production, cognitive fluency, and metamemory are also detected. The moderating effects of personality variables over the above-mentioned processes are discussed. Finally, methodological flaws found in the literature are detailed and some applied proposals are suggested.  相似文献   

The Unrecognized Stereotyping and Discrimination Against Singles   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
ABSTRACT— A widespread form of bias has slipped under our cultural and academic radar. People who are single are targets of singlism : negative stereotypes and discrimination. Compared to married or coupled people, who are often described in very positive terms, singles are assumed to be immature, maladjusted, and self-centered. Although the perceived differences between people who have and have not married are large, the actual differences are not. Moreover, there is currently scant recognition that singlism exists, and when singlism is acknowledged, it is often accepted as legitimate.  相似文献   

Voluntary behaviors (operants) can come in two varieties: Goal-directed actions, which are emitted based on the remembered value of the reinforcer, and habits, which are evoked by antecedent cues and performed without the reinforcer's value in active memory. The two are perhaps most clearly distinguished with the reinforcer-devaluation test: Goal-directed actions are suppressed when the reinforcer is separately devalued and responding is tested in extinction, and habitual behaviors are not. But what is the function of habit learning? Habits are often thought to be strong and unusually persistent. The present selective review examines this idea by asking whether habits identified by the reinforcer-devaluation test are more resistant to extinction, resistant to the effects of other contingency change, vulnerable to relapse, resistant to the weakening effects of context change, or permanently in place once they are learned. Surprisingly little evidence supports the idea that habits are permanent or more persistent. Habits are more context-specific than goal-directed actions are. Methods that make behavior persistent do not necessarily work by encouraging habit. The function of habit learning may not be to make a behavior strong or more persistent but to make it automatic and efficient in a particular context.  相似文献   

The emotional schema model proposes that individuals differ in their interpretations, evaluations, and strategies about emotional experience. Fourteen dimensions that are related to problematic strategies of emotion regulation are identified. Specific interventions for several of these strategies are identified, and examples of implementation are described. Finally, problematic schemas about emotions—both on the part of patients and therapists—are described, and interventions for addressing these in therapy are provided.  相似文献   

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